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just down the long weekend is here and im worried

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I just burst into tears last night in target (department store) luckily I was near the make up section..

I just exploded it came so fast like a wave I was feeling so relieved and so ok

I hate the fact that I get cry I get really angry at myself for being sad and effected by my ex and what he did and I still find myself having intrusive thoughts of his cheating.

I guess I am just sad today the weekend is worrying me

I made plans to see a movie and have a friend over but it is a long weekend

I just cant help but wonder is this really it its so hard to do NC and I bet he is just coping fine

It really stings me very much

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I know it isn't easy and I am so sorry.


It would be nice to turn it off, but we can't. I hope you can keep distracted as much as you can. Try to be strong, but don't let momentary weakness bring you too far down. We're only human. I hope you are better soon.

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Keep your plans to have a friend over & go see an upbeat movie. It will help to pass the time & keep your mind from wondering back to him.


I burst into tears at the supermarket, damn that supermarket music!! So, you aren't alone in anything that you are feeing.


Don't let him ruin your weekend, ok? Talk anytime.

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