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Do you ever want to be pregnant really badly

scared and alone

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but you know its not the right time or anything ? Like you can literally FEEL inside you how badly you want to be pregnant and have a baby? I HATE feeling this way. It's just the baby blues and i'm not gonna do anything abut it, but it sucks. lol How do you make it go away? I know I don't need to be having a baby for a few more years. It's just driving me nuts! Anytime I see a pregnant lady, or babies, or little kids, I get so sad.

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I know how bad that feels to want a kid but know it's not entirely possible at the present time. I have baby fever really bad even more so when my fiance starts talking about wanting kids but I also have a 3 year old to remind me that it wouldn't be a wise choice to have another child now, LOL so that's what helps me.


But the list of goals as suggested sounds like a good idea as well

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There are definitely moments where I feel like I would love to have a baby. But then I remember that I'm only in my early twenties, and that there are plenty of other things--like graduating college, getting married, finding a decent job and getting in better shape--that I'd like to do before I start having kids.


I'm in a stable LTR, and when my boyfriend and I start talking about our future and kids and all that good stuff, I certainly start feeling a little impatient! lol. But life is a journey, and I'd rather wait 3-5 years than bring a child into this world when I am unprepared to take care of him/her properly.


While I doubt that many people are ever completely ready to have a child, it's best to at least wait until you have all of your ducks in a row, so to speak.

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I really want to have kids too, but I know that now is just not the right time... meanwhile, I focus on making my life as good as possible (studying hard to finish uni, to get a great job and to maintain my relationship with my bf good), so that when the moment comes, it's easier to raise kids...

I believe almost everyone wants to be a parent someday, and luckily enough, me and my bf really want to be parents, but we know that we're just not ready... meanwhile you can think of the house you want to have, or what your ideal carreer could be, so that when the moment comes, you can offer your children everything.

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  • 3 years later...

Scared and alone:

I've wanted a child since I was 13. (Don't judge me)!! I have sat down and thought about the outcome of my partner and I attempting to have a baby. I begin college next month. So I swayed more towards no i'll wait, then I thought about our relationship. We are extremely stable. I then looked at my mental state and determined I can handle it. Then something alot of people don't think of is the financial stability. I have that too. I really don't have a reason not to have a baby but something is holding me back. I become really depressed when I am around my god children. I spend more time with them than what I do alone. I thought I was alone but I guess not.

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I know. I have baby fever in phases. Like right now being around kids doesn't bother me but a few months back it seemed like EVERYONE around me was getting pregnant - people at work, my friends on facebook and women on here! - and it felt like it was being thrown in my face, you know? The one thing I want more htan anything I can't have right now, even though we will be trying (hopefully) in 2 years time. But the fever eventually subsided. I get what you mean though. It's like this deep need inside you that you can't explain and you can't fill unless you're holding a child or interacting with them.

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Scared and alone:

I've wanted a child since I was 13. (Don't judge me)!! I have sat down and thought about the outcome of my partner and I attempting to have a baby. I begin college next month. So I swayed more towards no i'll wait, then I thought about our relationship. We are extremely stable. I then looked at my mental state and determined I can handle it. Then something alot of people don't think of is the financial stability. I have that too. I really don't have a reason not to have a baby but something is holding me back. I become really depressed when I am around my god children. I spend more time with them than what I do alone. I thought I was alone but I guess not.


You are missing one thing - does a baby for you come when you feel the urge or does it come as a natural result of a committed, loving marriage that grows to that point, where your guy is also at the point to say "i really want a baby and I am ready" rather than just checking off the boxes "on paper" of money, etc, - it takes two

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Yes, I know how you feel. I really want to be pregnant. So badly. Especially now that I have gotten to a point in my life where I am in a very loving and stable relationship of 5 years, and have financial and emotional security, I just feel as though I want to have a baby so badly and I feel as though I am ready. If I told others my desire they would think I am crazy - too young, not prepared, etc. They are probably right - I am not yet married and I know my partner would feel as though we are not ready. But whenever I see a pregnant women I just get an enormous pang of jealousy. I want to be pregnant so badly that it hurts. I guess I just need to wait.

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