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faked orgasms


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Have you ever faked them before and if so why?


Yes, I have....b/c he was bound and determined that I was going to get off before he did....we'd already been going at it for 30 minutes and I just wasn't going to get off.....Not b/c of him, but b/c I'd had a bad day and I couldn't relax....so I faked it.

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rofl! reminds me of josh harnett 40 days and 40 night.



um, yes i have. but im a really bad liar. he just looked at me like what is wrong with you and stopped. haha. he was NOT happy but i just couldnt taake it anymore. he went down on me for like 30 min and it was starting to hurt haha.

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I swear I have seen a guy say he was coming, but nothing came out. HE "SWORE" he came, how is that possible


very posibbel.

Ejaculate= sperm coming out

Orgasm= actual amazing feeling. Men who can orgasm and not ejaculate are able to go lots more rounds b/c ejaculating is what takes up the energy. Look up tantric sex.

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I get the feeling every girl has faked orgasms here or there. I'm sure there's some perceived pressure to make your guy feel like you came, but I really think that overall it's unhealthy for the relationship.


Probably nothing wrong with faking during a one-night stand, but I think there's something inherently dishonest about faking with a serious partner - like your husbands.


I think it ultimately hurts the relationship. The guy is lead to believe he performs like a "don juan", and so repeats his same "techniques" from then on. The girl eventually gets tired of sex without orgasm and then turns off sex completely. The guy then feels rejected, and possibly looks elsewhere for sex. Eventually the two end up in front of a marriage counsellor and the wife finally admits that she has trouble orgasming. This all seems so common in struggling relationships, and the thing the couple ultimately learns is that honest communication is essential to good sex.


Being honest with your partner will ultimately keep you happy. And if you're happy, then he will be happy.

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But no orgasm for me is irregular.

You're very lucky. My wife is not orgasmic. She used to pretend like she orgasmed early in our relationship. Eventually she started rejecting me physically - and for years, and it killed my self-esteem completely.


I confronted her a couple years ago about our celibate lives and she finally admitted after 7 years of marriage, and probably 17 years of dating, that she had never orgasmed with me. It crushed me completely. Back when we were dating she had told me that she had orgasms with her ex, and since she'd lied to me about my bringing her to orgasm this entire time I felt it must be something about me.


I felt decieved, and worthless as a sexual being. If she had told me about her problem 17 years ago we could have worked on things and possibly enjoyed a sex life during much of that time, but instead I've lived a celibate life, felt betrayed, and even resorted to extreme measures to try and make myself a better lover.


I guess that's why I felt it necessary to stress "communication" to all you young girls out there dealing with this kind of dilemma. Most men quietly appreciate sexual feedback (positive or negative) from the women in their lives if delivered tactfully. You need to make sure he's getting you off, and if he's not, then you need to let him know so he can make adjustments. Men aren't mind readers and REALLY want to please their women sexually.

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I guess that's why I felt it necessary to stress "communication" to all you young girls out there dealing with this kind of dilemma. Most men quietly appreciate sexual feedback (positive or negative) from the women in their lives if delivered tactfully. You need to make sure he's getting you off, and if he's not, then you need to let him know so he can make adjustments. Men aren't mind readers and REALLY want to please their women sexually.


key * * * * here...and to be honest a lot of guys can get more from making you come then us coming ourselves...i dont know just something about the subtle moans and facial expressions drive me wild but seriously sex in a relationship should be an ongoing adventure to a great and magnificent destination. couples who are open with each other in the bedroom help lead to couples who can completely and utterly satisfy one another and it doesnt require a perfect stomach/breast/penis...its all about communication and being a willing and steadfast student.

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i've done it. yep, a guy.


Me also. It was taking too darn long, she was sore, so I faked it!


Now I'm starting to wonder if I've been the victim of a fakey! I had no idea it was so common for men. Sometimes he'll be quiet when coming so that I don't notice and then there's all these liquids coming from all over the place and it's really hard to tell whether it was a real one.

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i only faked it cause i got the impression the girl was psycho. lol i actually felt alienated. haha. the way she was acting. i had a condom on and everything. i dunno, i was just weirded out. so ghost through down some acting skills.

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i only faked it cause i got the impression the girl was psycho. lol i actually felt alienated. haha. the way she was acting. i had a condom on and everything. i dunno, i was just weirded out. so ghost through down some acting skills.


So you only noticed that she was psycho after you got her clothes off?!?

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i don't do this...it sets a precedent for doing things wrong...if i don't feel it i ain't going to fake it...


Agree...but sometimes when they are pouring heart and soul and hips (LOL) into making sure you are taken care of...it's hard to say " Honey, you've done your best, but it wasn't good enough!" So I faked it! Only ttime, honest Native American!

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Waalllll, here in TX it's don't fake, don't tell....but really, I hope I never get to the stage where I would feel it would be necessary!!


I guess we project - we would be irritated if she wasn't into it, so we are afraid that she will be ticked off at us - ever wonder what her reaction would be if you looked her in the eye and said :


"I am just so nervous because you are so great.. I don't think I can do this right now!!!"

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