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4000 plus miles away..so confusing

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Hi..I am currently keeping in contact with a man I met this summer. He was visiting from the U.K. and I live in Canada. I hadn't talked to him in about a month and one day he rang me up from overseas and we talked and have been emailing and talking on the phone ever since. He is coming back in a few months. He will call and leave me sweet messages about how he misses me and cant wait to see me, how he cant wait to hear my voice. He asked me to send him pictures and we have been exchanging care packages in the mail. He says how I should wait for him and I decided if I wasn't involved with anyone when he returned we would pick up where we left off. In his messages he tells me not to go out with anyone etc. etc. Then all of a sudden he emails me and says he didn't mean anything he said and that I was probably going out with a lot of men and that he couldn't control what I was doing and he didn't care who I went out with. Now I am totally confused! What was the sudden change? He acts jealous and is always saying how I am so pretty that I can have any man I want. Is he just being cautious or just being a jerk now?

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At the beginning of your post it sounded as if he was contacting you in the hopes of "getting some" when he came back. He finds out he's going to be in town and so plays the distant lover in the hopes of getting some while he's in town.


The last half just sounds like a freak. Either that or he's a jealous freak. Either way if you aren't having fun, delete his email address. You can date a jealous freak locally, you don't need to have one in the UK.

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sounds to me as if hes doesnt want you to see anyone else.. but then someone has told him to look at the situation logically, and not place restrictions on yourself, and hes woken to the fact that if he does want you he has to let you do what you want for it to work, and not just what he wants.


just my dib, but im sure someone has given him some advice, which is why there was such a quick change of thought.

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Thanks for everyones advice. He last contacted me on Monday with an email asking me if I still wanted him to keep in touch with me. I think I just need a break and we haven't spoken all week. He told me he didn't mean it in that way and he felt bad about being so harsh with me. Logically I guess we need to live our lives and if we are still talking when he comes back to see what happens.

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