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ok, its over but what now.?


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I know it is over completely, my ex broke up with me on the 16th of this month, tomorrow will be two weeks. I want to be happy again, and seeing him doesnt help. We go to school together, and today i saw him like everywhere which is weird, because we never see eachother. He did move on too quickly after his ex, and he broke up with me saying its not the right time.

Should i hope?

In less than two weeks we both will be moving far away from each other until next year like 2009 : (.

I feel like I want him to realize, I want to make him jealous and all...but is this unhealthy?

I am so trying the NC rule, but when he does contact me...i start talking. We had a nice conversation yesterday night for like half an hour, but i think he was just being nice. Waiting ... time.... NC.... all suck.

I just want him back. : (. But he doesnt. Its like i am healing and getting wounded again, I have my ups then my downs.

All I can do now is heal i guess and if it is god's will we may one day get back together.

All I could think of is, what did I do which was so wrong that he finally said bye...

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By reading this I feel a sense of pain. You two just recently broke up and because you're dealing with it and still seeing him, it just hurts all the more. Just a reminder of how you two aren't together anymore. Or his calls just make it hard to resist when you're broken up over it and miss the conversations and parts of the relationships that brought you happiness. I can just tell that with all the hurt and loss you're experiencing that it's hard to resist the urge to want and make him jealous or deal with how he hurt you. In this case it's a win-lose situation where to feel better he has to feel worse.


If it is god's will to put you two back together, the best you can hope for right now is to find the strength to move on. It won't be easy and it may take a while to get over your feelings for him, but it really is in your best interest to. If you can, try to be firm and not take his calls or try to resist speaking with him. It won't be easy to do, but it won't help you to keep accepting his calls. Not when you're still dealing with everything.



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