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Is changing your Facebook status breaking NC?

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I have the most ridiculous question ever. For those familiar with Facebook, you can change your status for everyone to see, ex. "Suzanne is ________" fill in the blank.


Is changing my status on Facebook a way of breaking NC with the ex? We are still friends on Facebook so he can see it. I'm supposed to be out of the picture right now for him and I feel sometimes like when I change my status, it's a way of breaking NC. Like tonight, I am in desperate need of a massage because I am all tensed up. So I changed my status to "Suzanne needs to go for a massage."


Stupid, stupid question I know, but for you Facebookers, what do you think?

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Only if you have him in your mind trying to picture his response each and every single time you change your status is it a way of sorta kinda breaking NC. Honestly? It doesn't really matter, unless YOU obsess over that sort of thing. If he sees it, he sees it. You have no way of knowing, so it doesn't matter, IMO.

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YES!! Love them. Absolutely love them. flames suck.


anyway, yeah.. I'm bad for that kind of thing too. Try and stay away from facebook for a while, if you can. I blocked the website for a while after my breakup, and willed myself to never ever look at his page. He was never on it so that helped.

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I use Facebook a lot !

And in my opinion: every (often: excuse) attempt to get the other person his/her attention or to make his/her feel in a certain way or just expressions of lonelyness etc. are breaking N.C.. Well, think it's discussable and opinions could very about where's the limit. But I think if I were you I would write down such states b/c at least it could make the other THINK that you are missing him/her and/or what you had and I understand N.C. more as a way to let the other in a situation of not knowing what's going on and/or that he/she starts thinking/doubting (possibly about his/her choise and/or start missing).

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YES!! Love them. Absolutely love them. flames suck.


anyway, yeah.. I'm bad for that kind of thing too. Try and stay away from facebook for a while, if you can. I blocked the website for a while after my breakup, and willed myself to never ever look at his page. He was never on it so that helped.


I'm a Sabres fan myself. But I loves my Canadian teams...except the Senators.


I was so good all day too and didn't look at Facebook once until I got home from work. It's like a drug, I swear.


It's not like I said "Suzanne needs to go for a massage because she misses her ex." Yeah-no more status changing.

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"And in my opinion: every (often: excuse) attempt to get the other person his/her attention or to make his/her feel in a certain way or just expressions of lonelyness etc. are breaking N.C.. Well, think it's discussable and opinions could very about where's the limit. But I think if I were you I would write down such states b/c at least it could make the other THINK that you are missing him/her and/or what you had and I understand N.C. more as a way to let the other in a situation of not knowing what's going on and/or that he/she starts thinking/doubting (possibly about his/her choise and/or start missing)."


^^ good suggestion. Even just seeing his name made it a bad day sometimes. So, blocked MSN, deleted off phone, stayed away from facebook, anywhere I might 'accidentally' see it. Too much communication technology.

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I'm a Sabres fan myself. But I loves my Canadian teams...except the Senators.


I was so good all day too and didn't look at Facebook once until I got home from work. It's like a drug, I swear.


The Montreal Canadians...they are a riot (an inside joke for those who know what happens when the Canadians win a series).


As for facebook, I don't consider that stuff breaking no contact. It is not an email or text..it is just information for anybody to see. If he wants to look, let him look...it is a free country. Breaking NC is actually when you interact with the person directly.

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what, as if the maple leafs are a better team than the sens??


Ohhh I was raised to hate the Leafs being from Buffalo. But after last season and the Chris Neil/goalie fight game (which I was there for) and losing to them in round 3...I hate the Sens.


So honestly, I can't believe I broke down and went on Facebook. Is there a way to block yourself from the page? I need to still receive updates on e-mail b/c I have work connections on there (I just got my new job thru a connection on there).


I'm sorry, I'm just having a crazy ex moment. Which is why I come on here instead of contacting him. It's sad when writing that I need to go for a massage (which I really do) makes me obsess over what he thinks about it.

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The Montreal Canadians...they are a riot (an inside joke for those who know what happens when the Canadians win a series).


As for facebook, I don't consider that stuff breaking no contact. It is not an email or text..it is just information for anybody to see. If he wants to look, let him look...it is a free country. Breaking NC is actually when you interact with the person directly.



I know what you're talking about with the Habs fans rioting after ROUND ONE FOR GOD'S SAKE! Oh having hockey fans to talk to is making me feel better!!


Ok, I feel better. I guess I got nervous b/c when the whole thing was going down, his Facebook messages were like "I'm so distraught! I'm so miserable!"


All I said was, "Dude, I need a massage."

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Um...delete your facebook, trust me...you'll be much happier. I spend so much less time on the computer now, and I stay out of the bs drama that comes along with the sites.... (oh my gawd she untagged that photo of her and myself! oh my gawd my b/f just got a msg from some girl saying she had a great time! oh no my ex just changed her relationship status!...now i feel lonely) Or in your case...you have your own, since you can't bring yourself to delete your own ex from your friends list so you can take some time withouth seeing every little update he has in his life...

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I had a similar issue with my AIM away messages--I found myself thinking a lot about what he would think if he saw them, and it was becoming obsessive...So I blocked him on AIM. Problem solved. It probably annoyed him, but oh well.


I am still his friend on Facebook and now that you mention it, I realize that I haven't been putting up status messages lately, and that it's probably because I don't want him to have that glimpse into my life. Hmm.


I think it all does come down to whether you're obsessing or not--if your ex is your first thought when you're formulating a status message, you probably have a problem. Otherwise it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

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DELETE HIM!!!! recently i deleted a guy, and my profile is private, so its comforting to know he can't see what i'm doing and also that his statuses don't come up on the side either, so i can't see what he's doing. and the news feed and all that, he can read your comments and the comments you write to other people and see the pictures etc, it is like breaking NC, so delete him

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