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Is it my responsibility to keep the conversation going?


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So, just as the question asks above... is it my responsibility to keep the conversation going when talking to a woman?


Why is it so hard to have a decent back and forth conversation? Why do I feel like I'm responsible for entertaining the women I talk to? I can be very shy and reserved, and I can sit still and not say a whole lot. Much more of the quiet type of guy.


I can do email and IM like a pro, but when it comes down to someone I'm actually into I can't come up with the words.


Interestingly enough, I talk to people all day at work... but that's more of a routine, small talk, etc. I want to get down to the marrow in a conversation. Yet why is the weight all on my shoulders to do so?



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When I went on my 100 plus first meets if I was the least bit nervous I reminded myself that he was 50% responsible for keeping the conversation going. I never felt like it was the man's obligation. Keep at it - you're just meeting people you don't click with for now but that will change!

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Exactly what Batya just said above. It is 50 percent. I also think when you find the right partner it just flows, but if it doesn't, you have that comfort level to not care.


Of course then i'm talking about a relationship where you aren't meeting others....i miss that comfort level with my ex, but not the rest of it.

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Okay, yeah... I understand where you guys are coming from. Maybe the women I meet are boring, or maybe I'm boring, lol. I guess it's just that face to face aspect I have the problem with. When I email with someone I always try to read beyond what is simply said. If someone mentions a place they have been while talking about something else I try to pick up on that and run with that topic. Say for example they say, "Yeah, I've pizza there, but it's nothing like pizza in NY."


I take a sentence like that and go from talking about food and start talking about NY. Problem is I can't seem to do this in person. Maybe I just stress out too much.



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Nerves. Plain and simple. Your situation is much more common than not. It sounds like you get the 'caught like a deer in the headlights syndrome' - I either clam up or babble like a retarded baboon in a new dating situation.


Shrugs. i guess if you acknowledge the problem and have convo tips saved up beforehand it just takes repitition.


If i figure it out myself i'll let you know

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parks close after dark...will need to take the conversation home, and i will continue to listen, asking thought provoking questions at key moments


Its ok,im very nocturnal! And interesting..a good mix of characteristics if i ever saw some!

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