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Argh, OKCupid...


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So, I signed up for OKCupid not too long ago; I'm not really that interested in meeting some one online, but I was bored, and just curious, I guess. Anyway, I get an e-mail today alerting me that some one rated me very highly on either my looks or personality, and to be honest, I was a little excited, again, not because I wanted a match, but because I've never really gotten a compliment on my looks or my personality (in real life), so it would've been kinda nice to see, right? Well, then I found out that the only way to see who rated you what is to rate them similarly. Uh, what? Come on, I don't want to play that stupid kind of game... What an annoying concept... Is there any other way on there to see who rated you what?

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I have an OkCupid account. I have disabled the woos b/c I'd rather have people write me a message instead of sending me that "cyber flirt". I'm not sure what you're talking about with the ratings--I've never gotten anything like that. Just disregard what it said if you can't find out waht they rated you on, and just get pro-active about it all. Review your matches, check out the new people that show up on your home page, pay attention to who stalks you, and just work with the site. I like it. I've met a lot of good friends off there (it's a dating site but I use it for friends, and so far it's worked!)

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Dude get over yourself. Just show us a pic of you, and we'll all rate you here on ENA (if that'll make you happy )


Haha, I plan to sometime in the future (on which board would I even make a topic like that?), but I want to take a better picture first. The pic I used for OKCupid is only a little out of date, and it's not me at my best, so I'm wondering if maybe I got rated highly for my personality. I did try to make my profile a fun read, so maybe some one read it, enjoyed it, and rated me highly for it.


Heh, I'm not really mad, or upset, or anything, just a little annoyed that OKCupid makes you play some dumb little game just to see who rates you.

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Yeah, I get e-mails like that all the time from OkCupid and it is a little annoying. I figure that if someone *really* likes me they can send me an actual message--my experience has been that even when you do Quickmatch with someone and both of you know it, it very rarely leads to meaningful exchanging of messages. So I don't bother logging on and rating people to see if I can figure out who it was...Waste of time.


Take it as an ego boost (someone liked you!) but don't stress about it too much!

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