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Confused and Lost


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I recently broke up with a girlfriend of 7 years. She actually broke up with me. We dont have problems. Its the old I love you but I am not in love with you thing. The longest we have gone with out contact has been a few days since the break up, its been 8 days. She attended a gathering in my house a couple of days ago and was happy, we have not told anyone about the break up yet. Our parents talked and she took pictures with everyone, and was happy to be there. Am I reading to much into this or is something wrong? I thought that people that broke up did not want to do anything with each other, let alone enjoy the company of each other. She invited me out to the movies the same night. Is there hope for me??? or am I just looking to much into things???? Really need help.

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I really think when you hear the 'I love you but I'm not in love with you' line it means that there is another person in the piecture. I hope that isn't the case but nine times out of ten...


Consider that before continuing whatever it is your continuing. Would you be okay with her going out with another man while still being 'friends' with you?

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