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Heavy On The Soul


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I need to get out of here

Too many years of loneliness and fear

I feeling my soul growing stale

Try to kick start the thoughts but the sentiments just fail


You and I together, we were going to get ourselves free

Until a twist of fate took away that destiny

I can’t go back to how I lived before

Too many tears and nights on the floor


It’s like something weighing heavy on the soul

I’m like a rock that can’t roll

I don’t want to stand still, I can feel the moss grow

But God help me I’ve got no where to go


You where the key to these chains

I know you’re gone but the feeling still remains

To fly free with you

What am I to be without you?


Our love was going to set us free

Now that you’re gone am I to be alone for an eternity?

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I nearly didn't put the Rock n Roll line in because I thought it sounded a little cheesy but I don't think the "I can feel the moss grow" line would make sense without it so it stayed.

I think this is my least favourite of the poems I've posted, I don't know it feels kind of clunky.


Edit: Reading it back now, it actually works better than I thought.

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