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Baby sister is doing pornography


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Hey Guys,



This post is going to sound very judgemental...but here goes


My baby sister (she's 20) has started doing a pornography website, selling videos of her and her boyfriend having sex. I just don't get it....i hate the idea of her doing this...she has only been with this guy 3 or 4 weeks so i don't think he's forcing her into it. She has been a lap dancer and a glamour model in the past which i didn't like but didn't say anything as it's her life and i respect her to make her own desicions. I just find this far too much...i love her dearly and don't understand why she is doing this...she is so clever and pretty and sweet. She is not hard up for money and has no children she needs the money for...she's not even making huge money.


I tried to talk to her about it but she got really cross and told me to keep my nose out. our dad died when she was just 18 so maybe this is a way of coping....


Do you think i'm being really unreasonable...shall i just let her get on with it. Or do you think i should try talk to her somemore....my mum also knows about this (she told me) she hates it too, but is scared she will push my sister away if she nags too much!!




Sugar xxx

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Ummm, i am not sure what to say. I am a guy so it is different I suppose, and i probably would not handle it correctly.


I would drag her kicking and screaming away from this guy, and if he came back for her i'd make him very sorry he did. I am being honest here, so at the end of the day this is not much help to you.


But DO NOT give up on her and resign yourself to the fact she is trying to become a pornstar, particularly in a seedy little backyard operation.

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Wow, i have been thinking some more, and I am so conflicted.


On one hand, it IS her life and her choice.


On the other, it just seems so.......wrong, when it is this close to home.



If she was determined to stay in the industry (well she's not in it yet really) then i think you would have to take a different approach and help her move away from this dirtbag, and maybe get into more mainstream pornography with some of the bigger production houses.

So your advice would be more around her greatest chance of success in the industry with "reputable" production studios. How once she gets into the home made, backyard porn industry she will have almost NO chance of ever becoming more than a cheap who re that gets streamed to the web. (I know that sounds nasty, but trust me, the backyard industry IS a nasty place).



I feel that due to hr previous "employment" that she is probably pretty headstrong and you may not have any way to convince her not to do it. The best you can do, is then guide her into the "best of the bad situation" scenario.


The mainstream production studios are well respected, pay very good money and look after their starlets. Make no mistake, the pornography industry is MASSIVE.


So onto the "it's just wrong" part of my message. It is more the future consequence of her remaining in the backyard sleaze central pornography that has a greater chance of leading to drugs, addiction, and then essentially as i stated become a street worker to make ends meet.


Hmmmm, not sure if that helped, but wow, what a tough situation.



BTW, none of what i have written has anything to do with my own views on pornography. This is about your sister, not the porn industry

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If she's not making alot of money, doesn't NEED money, and is doing it with her boyfriend in their own home/apartment/space...


maybe she's just an exhibitionist?


That was kind of my thought. There are a lot of folks putting homemade sex videos out on the internet these days, not necessarily for the money, but just because they think it's hot when other people watch them. It seems like a pretty common thing, really.


But she's 20, so the reason shouldn't really matter. You don't have to approve of what she does anymore. I know you care about her, but you've tried telling her how you feel, and she doesn't agree. To go any further than you have, I'm sorry to say, would definitely be a case of butting in where you don't belong. She's not hurting anyone, and no one's hurting her. And you may think she's damaging her reputation, but she doesn't believe she is. It's her choice to make, and her mistake to learn from if that's what it turns out to be.

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It is her decision what to do with her time.


If she wants to run a porn site with her having sex, that is her choice.


You are welcome to voice your opinion but it is going to be her decision if she stops, not yours. All you can do is let your opinion be known and offer your support of her choices.


Did you watch porn with your sister in it?

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