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Answer This, And You Will Be Dr.Phil

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it means she still cares about you, that she wants you to be happy and safe. BUT that she doesn't want a serious relationship with you. For one reason or another (Im sure you have better idea of why you split up) the relationship you had was no longer satisfying each others needs.


She wants you to know, that even though you may not have a significant place in her life, she wishes you well, and will think of you with fond memories. Also to make herself feel good, by leaving this on a nice foot, its ended well. That can be a good thing, or a real screwy thing, depending on the split-up circumstances.


Good luck! remember you are not alone

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I would have to Agree with Molly on this one.


Dfcannons answer would be possible if it had just happened, but your did not just break up with you, so the "softening of the blow" was two months late, doesnt make sense.


I believe she really feels for you, and may want to keep friendly contact, but since its only been 2 months be careful, not to take this as an open door if your having hopes of her wanting you back. let her make those moves.


The best thing you can tell her, is, "Thank you, I know what you mean". so she knows you have no hard feelings.

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