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Everything posted by earl_simmons

  1. hey, me and my ex have been broken up for a little over 2 months. and yesterday she tells me that she still loves me, but is not "in love" with me....WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? thanks
  2. hey, well me and my girlfriend were off and on for about 2 months, then about 2 weeks ago she ended it. during those 2 months, we both brought up the idea of breaks, and a couple days later we got together, but a couple of breaks she suggested, but i kept calling her, and asking why we were doing this(not giving her the space she wanted). but we finally got back together. then started the break thing again, and about 2 weeks ago she just said, we should break-up for good. the first week i called her a few times, but still she was upset i did, she just wanted time to herself, and i feel terrible for not giving it to her. of course she missed me, she told me she did(we were together for 21 months). anyways, i finally just stopped all contact 1 week ago. i am just wondering, do u think that this no contact after 1 week, is making her miss me more? what goes thru a girls head when this "break" business is going on? i am still gonna avoid all contact, until i know she is ready. just confused, and wondering how she might be feeling. thanks...girls please reply, guys too, if u know how their "crazy" minds work. thanks a lot
  3. me and my girlfriend of 21 months, had been on and off for about 2 months, maybe more, but then about 1 week ago she ended it all. we were always arguing, and it was always about the same thing...."why we argue so much" so we took like 5 breaks in those 2 months, but i was being such a reatard, i wouldnt give her the space she asked for. i would talk to her 1 day, then day 1+2 after that i was okay, but when day 3 came, or day 4+5 came, i would be a complete wreck. honestly felt like i just needed to hear her voice, to make me feel better. so i would end up calling her on day 4 or 5, then it would be the same thing over agian, day 1+2 are fine, then started to fall apart, and called her again on day 4 or 5. i could only go 4 or 5 days without having contact with her. but then the last time i talked to her, somthing just clicked....I CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS!!! if i want her back, i gotta back right off, and just go on till i get over her, or she realizes what she wants. that was only 2 days ago, so i hope i can break the old cycle, and go as long as it takes b4, we both know what we really want. and another thing is, that last time i was talking to her, we were just having a good conversation, about what we were up to and stuff, and she told me to just move on, and to forget about her, but once i told her i had plans with another girl( a friend, just a friend), she hung up on me........yah, so talk about mixed feelings, i am so confused, but i am ready to give up talking to her. cuz all those times i called her, it obviously pushed her away, do u think with me not making any effort, she might realize what she is missing? i miss her so much, and i love her, i know i akways will, she was my first love, and honestly i do not want anybody else, so i am ready to wait as long as it takes. tell me your thoughts on what i should do, and what u think of the whole situation. thanks earl_simmons
  4. hey guy, man i almost in the exact same boat as you, me and my girlfriend, were off and on for about 2 months, then about a week ago she ended it for good. she said she wanted space,but i missed her soooo much, seemed like every 5 days, i would call her, or make contact with her some how, and that was not a good idea. i am not sure if your ex ended things, or if you did, but if u want her her back, why not take her back, b4 it is too late, and she thinks u dont want her at all. i would do anything to get her back, but i have stopped with the contact with her, cuz its what she wants for now, and with not talking to me, she may realize that she DOES want me back, but for now, i just have to go on with my life. hope i could help, reply back -earl_simmons
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