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not really sure how she feels


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so for a bit of a background on my situation. For the last 3-4 weeks I've been getting trained for a new job, it's on-site training so there's a guaranteed job afterward...anyway; there's this girl in my class who I've had my eye on for a while now but because i'm really shy I've never really done anything apart from flirt.

So one night she invites me and a couple other guys to go out drinking with her and some of her friends. fast forward to the night, I end up getting there kinda late and she's already really drunk, so of course i do my best to catch up yadda yadda yadda we end up making out for like 20 minutes, while in the club, she keeps teling me she's been wanting to do this for a while and really glad we were. but then she starts saying i shouldn't tell anyone about it.

Now I'm not sure if she's saying this so we don't get into trouble at work or because she's embarrassed..... come Monday I have no idea how I'm going to act towards her.....I don't know if she just wants to make it a one time fun night thing or develop it into a relationship....either way wouldn't matter to me I mean i'd love to start dating her but if she just wants to be friends, it's better then noting at all.....I'd feel weird just asking her straight up whether she wants a relationship or not.

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Ask her out for Thursday. Don't be nervous you already made out with her. If thats not a invite saying "I want you" I don't know what is. I'd ask her out for Monday night but thats me.


I've kissed guys in my lifetime who I had no interest in dating or being in a relationship with and I am sure I've been kissed by guys who felt the same.


I think it's fine to ask her out for a weekday date in advance - at least three days in advance.

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^ I think both ideas are good. I'd be flattered if a guy asked me out and asked if I knew a good place if he was new to the city. I also think it would show your confidence and resourcefulness to search online for a good place. Either way, you can't go wrong. You could also ask friends or co-workers for good places to take a date. Good luck!

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just one more quick thing

is it taboo to take a cab out to dinner. my car is a little embarrassing and I mean she's seen it so i don't care too much about the appearance but there's no music in the car(stereo's broken) so I'm afraid if i drive we'll use up all our conversation in the car and have nothing to talk about while at dinner.

that's one of the things i worry about most, it's gonna be hard enough finding things to talk about anyway cause we work together and talk all day. any conversation topic suggestions?

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Don't worry about your car I think she likes you so it shouldn't matter. You're analyzing this way too much, be confident. As for conversation talk about anything, it doesn't matter either just let the convo flow. I don't know the drinking laws in Canada but if you can take her out for some it might loosen you up.

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I am sure that I have kissed guys and vice versa where sweet nothings were whispered and minds were changed - both or one of us - the next day. It happens and there's nothing "wrong" with it - it's disappointing but especially early on in dating that can happen. If the man was drunk (I've never been drunk) then I took it with a huge grain of salt.

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yeah i only called once, didn't wanna look needy lol. she ended up texting me later on and we went out for a couple drinks. it was really good. so I asked her out for thursday I haven't picked a spot yet but i'm gonna look up a few places tonight and see what she says at work cause i'm entirely sure what kinda food she does and doesn't like.


(sorry bout this haha, i know it's not a journal but i thought i keep you guys updated and I'm really excited it's my first date in like a year and a half)

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