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broke up with my alcoholic bf


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My bf has a drinking problem.. i haven't seen him sober until he was really sick the past few days ever since we got together.. he is unorganized.. house is a mess.. last night i was chatting with him online then realized that we have nothing to talk about.. in the midst of discussing our communication problem and his drinking problem.. he left the chat without saying so (what a coward!)... then i text him with phone telling him how i feel about him if he is not going to try to address his drinking problem, i am gonna leave him.. he didn't even bother to reply.. so i text him this morning and suggested that we should break up.. he is so emotional unavailable all the time.. i think i am doing the right thing.. anyone think so too?

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It sounds like drinking excessively is a dealbreaker for you - good on you for realizing that and sticking by it. I'd be a little leery of being too harsh on him for leaving a chat about a communication problem while sick though - if you discuss his problems a lot and that's a focus of your relationship, he might be feeling attacked.

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its not the first time he leave a chat without saying so.. even when he wasn't sick.. maybe its best for us coz he should have someone that can accept him for who he is.. be it a drunkard or without communication skills.. i wasn't brought up to accept those factors.. and i can be really soft-hearted sometimes.. if i don stand firm.. we will be hurt over and over again..

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If he has a drinking problem, it doesn't sound like he is ready to deal with anything. If he doesn't want to deal with his drinking problem, then he doesn't want to work on the relationship, imo.


If his drinking problem really bugs you, then you have done the right thing.

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Of course you've done the right thing. You don't say how long the two of you have been together or how often you see eachother, but if it only recently that you've ever seen him sober and only because he's currently sick, then it's not a healthy relationship at all. Do you not think you deserve better than this?

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we've been going out close to three months.. and whenever tell him not to drink too much, he will give me excuses such as its the festive season so he is allowed to drink.. but christmas was 2 months back.. its his attitude that is the problem.. on a casual chill out night he can drink up to 10 and more drinks.. and its not even a weekend.. i don know what he deserves.. but at least he might find someone that will accept all these behavior and won't even care enough to concern about his health..

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What about what YOU deserve? Trust me....life with an alcoholic (and if he isn't one already, he's headed in that direction) is not a good life. I'm guessing you're fairly young...if you've only been with him for three months and you can already see that his drinking is a problem, get out now and find something better. There is much more to life than walking on eggshells around someone who drinks too much.

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I talk to him just now.. he openly admit that he is NOT gonna change.. i remember he used to talk about having a family.. i wonder if he even have the ability to do so.. so hurt with what he says.. i didn't expect him to change.. i just want him to at least cut down and try not to drink so much... he can't do it..

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going to move on... i have no choice.. basically i went to his place to collect my stuff just now.. he just stood there.. looked at me.. didn't even say anything.. just let me walk out the door without even trying to salvage the relationship or at least ask me to talk.. and when we talked on the phone he did the whole you-are-the-one-to-blame thing about everything.. saying that my approach was angry.. and that i didn't even discuss with him abt the breaking up... but the fact was that i did try to initiate a conversation last night but he couldn't be bother to talk and just left the online chat.. he is the one that is making me angry.. but still talk like as if its all my fault.. when is the right man gonna come around??...

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Good for you...you already got your stuff! His attitude about it just drives home the fact that you are too good for him. I don't know when the right man is gonna come around for you...it'll happen when the time is right. Just be proud of yourself right now that you were smart enough to know he wasn't the right man and smart enough to walk away. You're awesome.

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keeping my finger crossed and i should celebrate.. though i do still cry a little.. but hopefully these sad moments will go by quicker.. Thank you greensleeves for yr advise and even stranger care enough to give advise.. men that you once think that they care actually don't...

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