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Why do i feel unimportant?

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My boyfriend and I are leaving together on febuary 10th for asia and australia. We are travelling together for a year. We usually spend all our time together but just this week he has told me that we need to hang out less and that he needed to find himself and spend more time with the rest of his friends and family. I feel rejected although I respect his choice and I know that we still love each other. He is still so important to me but I feel like I have lost importance to him. I feel week and vulnerable. He is my first priority but it is not likewise. Someone please reassure me with some constructive feedback!

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Hello again, nmarchildon.


You shouldn't worry about it. Sure, it's easy for me to say, but if you have such a good relationship that you'll travel the world together, you can surely overcome A Lot.


Eventhough I have problems on my own dealing with it, I believe that each person in a relationship has to have some time on their own. Because if you put your spouse before everything else, even yourself, your spouse will end up being with a shell that's there to kiss your boots.

If you are both "your own personas", you might find it easier to be together because then you are actually loving the other person in a more honest way. In the scenario I pictured earlier, you'd be loving, as I said, a vessel there solely to be yours, and not his/hers own. Would you really want a person like that?


I don't think that you have anything to worry about, Marchie. I'll, how do you say this in English, "keep my fingers crossed"(?).

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