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Is there anything I can do?


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All my life, I've always been, well, short. It's always kinda bugged me, specifically because a lot of peers would use that as an advantage to kind of push me around and talk down to me (no pun intended Of course, the rest of my family isn't very tall, but most of them still have a few inches on me. Right now, I'm 19, and I'm only about 5'2", give or take an inch; people've told me I still have a few more years before I hit my peak, but I can't honestly see myself suddenly having a big growth spurt. So, is there, like, anything I could do, at all? I mean, I don't want to do anything too drastic, like surgery, or anything, but... being short sucks, to be blunt.

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There is nothing you can do about your height. I doubt if you will grow anymore...I think by age 19 people have reached the height they are going to be. You just have to accept what you are and focus on other things. The people who pushed you around and talked down to you probably do that to a lot of people for whatever reason..that is just their character...so I wouldn't expect it to be a general trend. There are plenty of short men around...in certain cultures men are just not that tall...its genetics and there is not much you can do about that.

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I would not stress too much. I am definitely aware it can be tougher for men to be shorter; but I really believe whom you are underneath/inside makes all the difference.



While I know sometimes it can feel tougher when it comes to dating (many women have preference for taller than them men) or even in career (some studies show taller men get more promotions for example) don't let these hinder you or make you jaded and blame your height for things....positivity and good work ethic can make all the difference, as does just being a great person overall!


One of my friends, whom is 5'2" himself, just got married recently to a lovely woman whom is 6'.

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you just gotta get over it man... i have a friend who's like 5'3 and he gets tons of girls. if you're tired of being pushed around, hit the gym or something. sure, you won't be able to do much about a guy who's 6'5. i don't see why guys try to push you around that seems kinda insecure on their part... but im 5'6 and nobody tries to push me around. i wouldn't let them if they did cuz i know i can hold my own regardless.

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Not to be sarcastic...but maybe try wearing some footware that could possibly gain you a few inches. Really you need to be fine with your height... I'd rather be to short than to tall....


I'm 5'7, but I still run into girls that are taller than me... It's weird because I would spot a cute girl in target or something, and as I work in for a closer look... she is taller, and I feel like a child, lol


You could still get a growth spurt at that age... I most defintaley did.

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