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Today, I went to the bank to deposit a check, but I forgot to sign the check - they still put it in though...and I have my money on my account, I did that one time but as I was leaving I turned around and the lady was like "It's not really a big deal." But, for some reason I am spazzing! Has anyone else ever done this? What is the worst case scenario?



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Never done anything like that before.


However, I did go about a month ago to the bank to pay my electric bill and they paid my home phone bill, which was ridiculous cause it was paid off for almost 2 years. They screwed up and paid it for me and any extra charges.

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I'd be a little more worried about them not checking that stuff than about getting in any kind of a pickle because of this incident - it should go through fine. I guess I'd just find it weird if my bank didn't stay on top of those things, probably because I've had my identity stolen before. Deposits aren't as big of a deal, but still...

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I'd be a little more worried about them not checking that stuff than about getting in any kind of a pickle because of this incident - it should go through fine. I guess I'd just find it weird if my bank didn't stay on top of those things,


That's what I was thinking..


Even if something was to come out of this, it would be the bank not you getting stuck with it because it's their place to make sure the signature is there.


My bank won't even touch a check if it's not signed properly (for example I go by my middle name but on my ID is my first name so I have to sign my first AND middle name or they won't do anything.) Even though I have been dealing with the same bank for years and they all know me.

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