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How Do We Move Past Casual Dating?


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I have a lady friend that I have been seeing for a couple of months. It has been made clear that we are going on dates, but it only happens when it is convenient and there is no implied commitment to one another's time. She rarely calls me to chit chat and I am the one that is doing all of the scheduling (she doesn't ask to do things but she has been saying yes to the things I suggest). To me, this is pretty much the typical case of casual dating.


I am actually fairly happy with how the situation is (just having somebody to do stuff with), but would like to try to up the ante a little bit. I have noticed that she has an emotional wall up (doesn't talk much about previous relationships, family, friends, etc.). I think she has had some bad previous relationships, and maybe this is causing her to have reticence in starting another.


Up to this point, I have tried to find things that she would like to do, and let her talk about what she wants (without pressuring her). Is it time to ask the question "is this going anywhere?" Or should I keep doing what I am doing and hope she gets more comfortable and opens up on her own?

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Hey Texas...


Why not continue what your doing, BUT, start asking some questions while you are out with her?? Certainly after a couple of months of dating you should be comfortable talking, no?


Perhaps take her to dinner, where the 2 of you can talk. Ask her about her family, friends, etc. DON'T start right in with past relationships...just start GRADUALLY. And talk about your family and friends too...make it a two way street.


See how it goes from there!


Also...I would DEFINATLY do the PHONE CALL THING!!!! (you can call HER to chit chat!!!)





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Aha, Texas- you've encountered a mysterious and intriguing woman that piques your interest and curiosity, I would imagine


If you like her (and yeah, I think you do!) ask her if she is seeing anyone else because you'd like to see more of her and be exclusive with her.


I think she might just like you too, Texas. She always says yes, right?


There you go now--ask and you will receive.


Let us know how it goes!

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Aha, Texas- you've encountered a mysterious and intriguing woman that piques your interest and curiosity, I would imagine


If you like her (and yeah, I think you do!) ask her if she is seeing anyone else because you'd like to see more of her and be exclusive with her.


I think she might just like you too, Texas. She always says yes, right?


There you go now--ask and you will receive.


Let us know how it goes!


exactly. i usually bust this out. 'so what do you think of us?' let her answer a bit. 'i think we should be exclusive.' never bombed on me. i only say this when im really feelin it.

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