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Don't worry, I'm not sending this out. I just wanted to write it because I'm having a really hard time today. A little background, we dated a little more than a year...it was a great relationship in the beginning, but things turned confusing and ugly once I moved half a country away. I'm doing NC and I'm on my 4th night.


Hello XXXX,


I hope things are going well for you, we haven’t talked in a while. I just wanted you to know that I do miss you. But, for my own self-preservation and sanity, I can’t have you as a friend. Every time I’m home, we get together and I would get my hopes up that things will work out between us. But, you’ve made up your mind that you don’t want to be with me anymore—during the conversation on the ride back to XXXXXX, you suggested that we can have an “open relationship”. Basically, we’ll be together whenever we’re in the same state but, other than that, there will be no exclusiveness or commitment. Afterwards, that conversation made me feel so dirty and degraded. I’m a one-guy kind of girl; when I love someone I love them completely and I don’t want to see other people in their absense. I do love you, but it breaks my heart to think of us as simply being “friends with benefits”. This title seems to degrade all of the innocent, happy memories we had created together.


As stated before, for my own sanity, I’m trying my best to reframe from contacting you. I’m not capable of having a “fling”. Call me if you change your mind and decide that you want to be in a relationship with me. Otherwise, I wish you all the best and I’ll live my own life. Take care of yourself.

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