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torn in half... and don't know what to do...


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okay so here's the deal so far... been with this guy for 1 1/2 years... then breaks up with me and now taking things slow and trying to work things out... and honestly things are going good. well great really. but I just can't help feeling this way... its like when I spend time with and everything I'm happy and I want to be with him and everything. but when I'm alone and doing nothing... I don't know if I want to keep trying to make things work... cuz I'm so hurt and I don't know if this is the best thing for me. I'm so stressed about everything that's going on... I mean I know I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him... but I just can't help but feel if its even worth trying anymore... I just don't want to get hurt again...

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I'd take it slow if I were you. What were his reasons for breaking up with you? Are they something that have changed by now, or not?


For example, if it's for another girl, chances are the same thing would happen again, and you're better off moving on.


It sounds like you wouldn't hurt him if you can help it, so Im assuming his reasons for breaking up with you were his own. thereforeeee, you should just take it slow, and keep working things out for a while.

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The fear of being hurt can be paralyzing...I agree with Russ, take it slow and don't feel that you need to make any life altering decisions right now. Alot of it depends on what the reasons for the original breakup were, if he did something to hurt you, you'll have to decide whether or not it worth your while to try and rebuild the trust. Just see how things progress and the answers will come to you in time.

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After the relationship of 3 years, it has been 6 months that we split. We broke up because of terrible fight I caused. I apollogized, tried to fix things, been very suportive... It didn't work. Then I gave up(he acted bad). Since then, he started to call me. But now, I have no more strenght to fight for him. I afraid that he'll live me again. And above all, I think that I do not love him as used to. I was too much hurt.(he had girlfriend for 2 months, among other things)


If we get back together, I know it will be hard, because it is impossible to forget some things easily. Maybe it is better to go on away from him. Better than come back to the beginning.

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