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I'm sorry you're feeling down, but if you hate facebook why don't you either unsubscribe or delete your ex from the list? Are you banking on the hope that they will contact you via facebook? Are you finding it hard to let go, still holding on to the hope that they'll return and you'll have to explain why you blocked them?


If you don't think you can do either of the above, for whatever reason, I know it is HARD not to check your ex's facebook, very hard if the breakup is new, but I think you need to go cold turkey from facebook for a few days (don't worry, nothing life changing will happen in the next few days), work on healing and then try get back but NOT check your ex's profile.


Part of going NC is not checking your ex's profile, doing so only stops or delays your healing, for your own sake, stop doing it, work on letting go and getting over your addiction to this person.


Tell me, does it when you bang your head against the wall? Don't do it - Does it hurt when you check your ex's profile? My point is, you don't keep doing the same thing expecting different results - I should know I was the queen of repetition!


Be kind to yourself, stop checking your ex's profile.

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its ok you check...sometimes its fun to a stalker and if checking ur exs profile contents you then u should do it anyway....your doing better then me anyway...i actually logg onto their account and read their personel messages ha!ha!


lol, the last time i did something like that, i copped alot **** and my ex changed her password. but after knowing that there's nothing much happening in her life makes me a whole lot easier and i'd enjoy the rest of my day.

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ha!ha! come on barbiegurl and jaded we all have our flaws and do crazy things lol ha!ha! yall cant say yall havent done something like that before


of course, of course! i have done something like that . . . but didn't feel any better about the situation after had doing it.


to each their own


i've got my flaws. but i've learned a lot too

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ha!ha! come on barbiegurl and jaded we all have our flaws and do crazy things lol ha!ha! yall cant say yall havent done something like that before


No, that's just plain wrong, it's imposing on your ex's privacy which they are entitled to regardless of what went on in your relationship, if I was your friend and found that out I would tell your ex to change his password, I've done some crazy things in my past but the desperation hasn't gotten to the point where I'd do something like that.


Worse even than that is that you are not allowing yourself to heal from the break-up, which is even more tragic in this situation. Yes it's okay to feel bad about what happened, you are not wrong for 'feeling' the way you do, feelings are not flaws, they just are. But acting out in response to feelings such as desperation, just as you are doing by checking his messages is not helpful and it's not right and you can't justify that by saying 'we all have our flaws'. You are itching to know what's going on in his life because you loved this person a lot, that is a reason, NOT A JUSTIFICATION. Let it go and be good to yourself, work on healing, not stalking.


Take care

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I honestly couldn't stay with a person who trusted me so little they felt the need to invade my privacy like that.


If i were in a relationship where the redflags were so severe that i had to check i might do it, but at that point we both know the relationship is already on its way to deadsville and over.

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lol well i do trust a guy im with...i mean if i didnt i couldnt be with them...but its juss someone i have small feelings for but i like someone else so it wont go to more then a fling...but i dont read them bc im paranoid or something...i read them bc im bored lol ha!ha! and thats the benefit of knowing his password

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lol well i do trust a guy im with...i mean if i didnt i couldnt be with them...but its juss someone i have small feelings for but i like someone else so it wont go to more then a fling...but i dont read them bc im paranoid or something...i read them bc im bored lol ha!ha! and thats the benefit of knowing his password


Aren't there other things you could do to quell your bored? This doesn't sound like a good excuse, and certainly isn't a good reason to be checking someone else's mail.

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Maybe i should start my own post for this one this isnt even my post....lol

yeah i know....id hate for someone to do that to me....esp cuz i go ALL OUT on my messages


The reason I'm answering this here is because your posts are sending out a lot of red flags. It seems like an obvious question but if you know you wouldn't like the same done to you, why do it to someone else? What makes it okay for you to do it and not them? How would you react if you found out someone did that to you, how would you feel? Would you really want someone else to feel like that too?

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