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An odd job problem


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The other workers in my company all heard that former workmates Dako and Zoe fought like cats and dogs, so Olive the supervisor sent Dako to another office to make peace.


Dako called Olive's boss to complain that he and Zoe had a wonderful work relationship and both hated to part. It turns out that one customer reported friction at the office and Olive overreacted and also spread this lie company wide.


Dako told Olive he was going home and through with this gossipy supervisor's games. Olive asked Dako to stay, probably due to fear of her incompetance.


Dako on thin ice now, you betcha.

Dako misses Zoe.

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Olive is a incompetent moron and needs to get over herself.


Hopefully Olive will get fired when the poo hits the fan from her previous stupid actions with other employees.


Submit a formal complaint. Especially since her actions are not professional, the whole company doesn't need to know about 2 employees business, not to mention there are probably company policies about privacy issues when dealing with things like this.

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Wow, I am with Carnelian on this. If Olive even thought there was a problem, she should have first sat down with Dako and then with Zoe to see what they had to say. Then if there really was a problem, perhaps sit down with the two of you and work through the issue. She certainly went completely overboard and didn't act like a very effective manager.

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If any of our ENA members are supervisors, beware that not all complainers are the same. Some merely erupt every 10 years over a serious breach of ethics.

My last eruption was over 15 years ago.


Tomorrow is a jobsearch day. I was looking for a job when I found this one.

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