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Girls, how much significance do you place in the ability of a guy to make you laugh?

Cheeky Charmer

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The only reason I ask is cos I'm getting quite keen on this girl I know. She's seeing someone on a very casual level but she told me that she considers herself to be single.

Anyway, we e-mail each other about 40 times (no exaggerration) a day (same office, different dept) and she says that I really make her laugh.


It's tough to know what to do though because, whilst ordinarily I've no qualms about asking her out, I don't want to appear to have misjudged things.

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It's very difficult to say what "girls" like -I know a shared sense of humor is very important to me and part of the overall attraction. But, if the man is simply a clown and does a one man show kind of thing "to make me laugh" that is fun but doesn't help me get closer to him or bond. In fact, taken to an extreme I see that as a sign of creating distance (which it was with one guy I dated - and he told me so).

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Humor alone isn't enough to attract me although it is an attractive thing. Its funny though, to me serious men seem more sexy, to be honest. I've gotten really annoyed at myself when I was angry and a guy made me laugh in the middle of being angry. Although, I guess it helps you realize that the issue isn't as serious as you might think.

But, yeah laughing alone and having good humor chemistry isn't enough. There has to be more than that. I don't even care if the guy is funny, really. There are other things I care about a lot more. Being funny is like a garnish.

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For me, humor is essential. I couldn't see being involved with someone who didn't share a similar sense of humor. That's key...you have to find the same things funny, otherwise one person will just think the other is weird.


Way I see it, life is going to give me plenty to be sad, angry, scared and worried about all on its own. Being with someone who cracks you up (and who you crack up) offsets all the other life stuff.


Also, it's really, really difficult to stay mad at/fight with someone who knows how to make you laugh.

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Well hopefully she is laughing with you and not at you


Just kidding, well laughing is a way to show some part of happiness. If you are making her day more joyful then she might be getting a little more keen on you. Who knows, since she has told you she sees herself as single then it could have been a hint to you that she is available.

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Seriousness is a sickness

Seriousness is a sickness; your sense of humor makes you more human, more humble. The sense of humor -- according to me -- is one of the most essential parts of religiousness.


A sense of humor

Life is not a tragedy, it is a comedy. To be alive means to have a sense of humor.


At least, that's how some see it.

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Humor is essential for me! I never saw it as important before but now I do. My ex and I had a different sense of humor and I believe that is the reason that we never really completed each other. We were too serious and could never fully open up to each other and be ourselves. The relationship failed for several reasons but I keep wondering if our personalities didn't clash so much if we could have made it work. I guess I just wanted to have a fun time and not be too serious all the time.


Right now I am with a guy who has a similar sense of humor to mine. Our personalities mesh very well as a result, IMHO. It's hard to be a dork and have to hide that side of you completely away even around someone you are dating.


But as far as the OP goes...if she says she's single than she is available unless she says otherwise.

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A man who can make me laugh is a requirement for me in the dating scene, but that does not mean that all men who make me laugh I would date.


I hope that helps and is not clear as mud.


I'd agree with this. Just because she says you make her laugh doesn't mean that it's guaranteed that she's interested in you in a romantic way, because it doesn't. However, better to try and get rejected than to not try and have her move onto someone else because she got tired of waiting for you to make a move.

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You can dazzle a very attractive girl into doing things with you if youcan make her laugh long enough. The laughter has to be maintained through the one joke. She has to be thinking of you after you have made her laugh. I think that is the distinction between being a funny guy and laughing someone into the bedroom.


Definently it is possible for humour to be the main catalyst for attraction.

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You can dazzle a very attractive girl into doing things with you if youcan make her laugh long enough. The laughter has to be maintained through the one joke. She has to be thinking of you after you have made her laugh. I think that is the distinction between being a funny guy and laughing someone into the bedroom.


Definently it is possible for humour to be the main catalyst for attraction.


Yes that may work for seduction, for one night. With respect to a dating relationship which is what I think the OP was referring to the one joke wonder probably isn't going to cut it. In part, it's not about telling jokes, it's about finding all the private jokes and inside jokes and being on the same wavelength as to what is funny that sustains a relationship. That's the real success - at least to me - not the one night seduction "success"

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it's not about telling jokes, it's about finding all the private jokes and inside jokes and being on the same wavelength as to what is funny that sustains a relationship.


Yes, I agree. I value a shared sense of humor because it makes life a little sweeter and it carries you through the rough times. So I definitely look for that. But it's only one thing I look for among many, like strong character, compatibility, mutual attraction, etc.

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Seriousness is a sickness

Seriousness is a sickness; your sense of humor makes you more human, more humble. The sense of humor -- according to me -- is one of the most essential parts of religiousness.


A sense of humor

Life is not a tragedy, it is a comedy. To be alive means to have a sense of humor.


At least, that's how some see it.


Life up close is tragedy; Live from afar is comedy- Chaplin

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i better start watching some seinfeld stand up or something. i can't make anybody laugh.


Whenever I try to make people laugh, it never works. However, I've had a lot of people tell me that they think I'm funny. I don't want to be hilarious...I just don't want to be that jokester person. But I do derive a lot of pleasure of making someone laugh...so much so that I'll say the same joke again if it made them laugh the first time (I've had people say, "Um, jokes like that usually only work once, hon."). I think a lot of people like to laugh at me. I just have this air of earnest ridiculousness that sadly beats all of my attempts to be thought of as deep and someone to be taking very very seriously. I'm the only person in the world who takes myself seriously.


A guy's got to be able to share my sense of humour. For me it's one of the most important aspects in a relationship and in initial attraction. However, there have been guys that could make me laugh all day, but I didn't feel chemistry for them.


I think its a pleasurable thing ... most people share my sense of humor. What most people find funny, I find funny and visa versa. My humor is very varied but when something is funny, its funny (except puns, dear God). Although, even puns are funny if the other person is laughing. Really, maybe its often just about laughter. I love dark wit...or when people recognize the horrid things in life and make jokes about them...the jokes that a lot of people are horrified in life. I also love slapstick...when everyone is laughing in the theatre, so am I.

Since most people share my sense of humor, its nothing special for me. I enjoy people who make me laugh...all my friends make me laugh. But sexiness, romance and all that jazz is for a LOVER not a JOKESTER. Lets just say that the idea of being with Sienfeld is not hot to me, despite his comedic genius. I don't mind someone who can be funny, but really I love someone who I respect and can take seriously...a real man.

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I can usually tell pretty quickly if a man is making me laugh because he's witty and a good comedian/jokester type versus witty and someone I can share humor with in a deeper way. There's usually a belly laugh and a sense of connection and eye contact. So when I get that, it makes me want to get to know him better.

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I think alot of girls put stock into the ability to make them laugh. At least I hope so or I'm in big trouble haha! Laughing = having fun and feeling good, and usually, you want to be around people who have fun. Of course there's always a balance of having fun vs. being serious.

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