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To masterbate or not.....

Delusional Kisses

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lol...all of the above.

they will

a)join in

b)assume you mean something by your actions - that you want to have sex with them

c)will start having some sexual feelings for you if he enjoys the moment


if you want this person to stay a friend (as in no romantic connection not even a brief friends with benefits situation) i wouldn't do it.


plus there's also option d) that he, petrified, runs for the hills!

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well how about taking his hand and having him masterbate you? like look at him, then seductively take his hand and lead it to your crotch.. etc. he will probably react well to you masterbating but at first his initial reaction depends on what type of guy he is lol:

a) shy guy- probably be like 8-[uhh... hehe... so be a bit more direct in getting him to join in.

b) not shy guy- will probably join in right away...


it's a tough one to really predict what will happen. it can go SO many ways. from him laughing then joining in to him walking away.

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I want him to join or help or watch and enjoy. We had an intimate past and a few sexual encounters (just oral), but it stopped back in July and from September through the beginning of December, he has had a girlfriend, but I want to "play" again like we used to and need to spark the fire again. We hang out constantly, but just as friends. I even think our friendship is what ended the relationship.

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surely such physical 'play' would bugger up his relationship if she found out?

that's not a very 'friendly' thing to do but hey ho...

go for it if that's what u want but be prepared it might not be in either of your best interests and if he's a good boy he might say no.

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Oh, and I may not be attractive to alot of guys, but I know I am attractive to him. He tells me I am pretty often and comments of my breasts almost every time we are together. And as far as where it would go later....I would LOVE to have him as "mine"....I don't think that will ever be the case and I am okay with that too...friends with benefits...GREAT! One times sex....good. total rejection....not so good.

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Yea, if he is really crazy about his new girl he may just turn you down.

I would take a safer road and try and kiss him first, otherwise let him masterbate you instead of you do it to yourself (IMO masterbating oneself is much more intimate and takes more guts to do). If you take his hand and he moves his hand away after you try innitiating then at least you haven't "made a fool" of yourself. You can just cut it short right there if he says no.

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surely such physical 'play' would bugger up his relationship if she found out?

that's not a very 'friendly' thing to do but hey ho...

go for it if that's what u want but be prepared it might not be in either of your best interests and if he's a good boy he might say no.


no, no, no....he is single now!!!! She broke up with him. We never once did ANYTHING while they were together...not even a peck on the cheek....so I'm pretty sure that calling me a "ho" was a bit harsh.

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Oh, and I may not be attractive to alot of guys, but I know I am attractive to him. He tells me I am pretty often and comments of my breasts almost every time we are together. And as far as where it would go later....I would LOVE to have him as "mine"....I don't think that will ever be the case and I am okay with that too...friends with benefits...GREAT! One times sex....good. total rejection....not so good.


Ohh.. Ok cool.

Well.. since he is single, it could be pretty hot actually if you made the move to masterbate yourself. I would still try the "less gutsy" road lol and have him do it to me.

If you like him as more, try taking it slow though on the sexual side. Try and hang out more with him, etc and do other things so maybe he doesn't see you as "just" friend with benefits.

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Its really okay!!!!


Anyway, just thinking out loud. The whole thing is probably just a bad idea anyway. I'll just lay next to him and wish for him to kiss/touch me.


No No! LOL don'tt do that.. I like your idea of taking charge, Just be a bit more "less gutsy" if your afraid of rejection. Just my 2 cents.. Maybe try kissing him yourself.

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if he feels for you he probably will to be fair.

but certainly encourage him. flirt with him. look at him (sustained eye contact always works a charm). maybe even kiss him. - that way you may be able to initiate something more meaningful than a fwb situation, who knows?


masturbating is certaintly out there and extremely brave and i'm sure he'll love every second but maybe that's something to do after something's started! otherwise it might seem a bit full on. but there is no doubt he will love it so hey if it's what you want to do. do it!! you go girl!

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Before we ever met, we had a 9month long "text sex" relationship. It was intense and hot and heavy. When we finally met, I did some of the stupidest things possible. I was an idiot...plain and simple. I pushed him away...I didn't respond to his willingness to be with me...I became insecure and just dumb all around. We had two actual sexual encounters (both were great) and he's the first guy that ever made me cum. I was thinking about the masterbation thing because we were always both very "freaky" with what we talked about and I just thought that doing something kinda risky would work much better than an old-fashioned passionate kiss. Besides, I am 5'4 and he is 6'5 and its really hard to move in for a kiss unless he initiates is.......and I'm frightened of the rejection at such close proximity...lol. What will he do if I try and he doesn't want to kiss me? How would that go and how embarrassing will it be when he turns his head from me? I think I could write the masterbation off as a joke more than the kiss. Does that even make sense?

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I only know that if I had any kind of thing for the woman, and she started doing this while we were watching a movie, I would be absurdly turned on. I think it's a really good plan provided that there is something there.


On the flipside, I had a roommate who used to do all kinds of over the top things sexually around me, and because I wasn't interested in her that way, it was all just, well.... blah. It didn't really bother me.

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