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Feeling the pain again today

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Sorry guys, I really feel I need to have a moan tonight...


I'm pretty sure he's been out on a date tonight - 99% sure of it and I think its possibly his first date since we split up. Its rough imagining him out with another woman


I've not been doing too bad the past couple of weeks but the last 2 days have been hard. I've been out with friends a couple of times but I only seem to feel negative about stuff at the moment. My friends are mostly in couples and yeah, they say nice things to me (like - he's foolish for leaving you, he'll regret it one day, you're a lovely lady, you'll find someone else etc (as if that really helps my situation)) but when the evening is done they go off home with their partners and I come home to an empty house that we used to share.


As I posted elsewhere, he called round with gifts for me on 23rd Dec

He texts me Christmas day to wish me a Happy christmas

Today is my birthday and I heard nothing from him.

I was hoping maybe we were getting somewhere as our chat on 23rd went so well - obviously I got the wrong impression

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You have to allow yourself some closure. Be honest with yourself, can you realistically see yourself getting back together with him? If no, then you have to begin taking steps which benefit you and your state of mind.


People allow themselves too much space sometimes after a breakup (i.e they justify actions which most would consider unhealthy). Make sure that you continue doing things which keep you active. Go out, and try to keep him out of your mind.


Really hope it works out for you, i've been in your situation.

Let us know..

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Would you believe this - its 11.50pm here in the UK and he just texted me!!


"Hope you've had a good birthday x"


Now I don't know whether to reply to him or not, LOL


This whole thing has been so confusing and exhausting, We've been split up for 7 weeks today and I still have hope although in my heart I don't think he'd want me back.

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Would you believe this - its 11.50pm here in the UK and he just texted me!!


"Hope you've had a good birthday x"


Now I don't know whether to reply to him or not, LOL


This whole thing has been so confusing and exhausting, We've been split up for 7 weeks today and I still have hope although in my heart I don't think he'd want me back.


Hey,I'm delighted he texted you for your birthday.You are probably on a natural high after that.

Should you contact him??? Sure you should,send him back a "thank you,you're very sweet" text.

At the very least you are keeping the doors of communication open.

If he is keen on reuniting with you,then he will use this moment as a stepping stone to move the conversation on to more important issues,namely you and him.

I truly hope the tide is turning for you and you and he reunite.Just remember what it was that put you in the situation you are in now,and learn lessons from it,so you can strenghten any possible future relationship with him.

Good luck!

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Thanks for the replies.

I did text back to say Thank you,

He ended up saying that his Christmas had been a good one and that it had been eye opening for him, he'd had a lot to think about.

Of course, that got my hopes up again so I said that sounded interesting, but I wouldn't pry into what he was thinking about.

So he tells me - he's thinking about moving on again, not sure where he belongs and possibly moving back to his home town.


So, thats it - he really is done with me. I now have to accept that (finally) and try to move on with my own life. He sees me as no more than a friend.

Its all very sad after what we used to have together.

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