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ne one know about marijuana ??? please help!

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hi everyone! and sorry this is a lil long!

my dads been smoking marijuana scince he was 15/16 and he's not that old he's in his late 30's he's always been a great dad ever scince my mom left! but he got a new gf and just after i managed to get my dad off smoking it she came and moved in and now he's started again and he's getting sick! does ne one know ne thing about marijuana???? if u do could u please tell me a bit bout it?? coz he used to b the best and used to take me and my lil' bros every where now we've all been kicked out and live at different places. they live with my mom and i live with my nan and i miss them and if i could get my dad off this stuff i'd b able to b with my brothers sammy and jackson there both ony around 5/6 but i miss them!! my dad used to yell and scream at us all wen we did somthing like answer back to his gf! but i wanto take charge and find out how i can save him and get back my lil bros! so please help me!!! thanx!!

luv full_on_chick

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It sounds like you are worried about your daddy forgetting about you and your siblings. My dad has been smoking it for a long time, I mean a LONG time. It made me want to experience and I did. For 2 years, i've been smoking every day. It made me paranoid, angry, depressed, and miserable. Your dad probably smokes it to relax and since marijuana helps you forget. He probably uses it to forget about your mom and move on with someone new. Eventually, he will get bored with it. I did. Hope this helps!

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Alright, I've been smoking it for about 9 years and I can honestly say that it isn't as bad as the government and media make it out to be. Some people say it's a gateway drug and blah blah blah. The reason it's the first drug to be done by most people is because it's the easiest to get your hands on and the safest. In 9 years I've never experienced any bad effects except for the munchies. In the situation that you are in right now I would think that weed has nothing to do with the way your Dad is acting. When he used to take you and your bros places was he with the GF? If not then it sounds like he's just busy with her. We've all started new realationships before and what do you do? You spend all your time with them. I think that maybe he doesn't want any distractions around the house so he shipped you guys else where. It might be weird for him to be getting with a new woman and having your Moms and his kids around. As for the weed, don't worry too much about that. If he's been smoking it for 15 or so years then it's just a way of his life, a way to kick back and relax. It's like having a beer after work.

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Wow, that's really sad. If your Dad insists on smoking pot, short of tipping off the police, there's nothing you can do except try to grab his heart by talking to him and telling him how much his choices have hurt his little girl. That means telling him just what you told us, that you miss your siblings and want to patch the family back again, and remind him of the good times you had, and say you wish you could have your Dad back. If that doesn't work, then you need to find a way to accept that your Dad has problems and it's not your fault, and you can be better for your children if you choose to have them someday.


so_confused: you have chosen the right handle, because you are SO CONFUSED! Maybe he wants to spend more time with his new relationship!? Kick back and relax like having a beer after work!? Are you insane, speaking to this young girl that way? I rarely read such trash on these boards. This man has allowed his new girlfriend to take control of his life and the family. She has kicked out the competition and got him back on a bad and illegal habit that's making him sick and causing his daughter deep pain. The kids are now without a mother and a father! Get help. You need it.

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If it's hard getting your dad alone without his gf - write him a letter and give it to him. You can't interrupt or cut someone off in a letter, you HAVE to hear them out, and sometimes it helps to make sure you haven't forgotten to say something you kick yourself for later.


It seems at the moment he's put the lifestyle he wants ahead of his family - which is not like having a beer after work. Did he say anything about why he wanted you guys out of the house? If it's for the sake of recreational drug use (whether it's harmless is really BESIDES the point, if it splits up a family, physically harmless doesn't matter) and for his gf - he needs a reality check. His children should come first, not a poor third or fourth.


Since he's the adult here, all you can really do is tell him how you feel, how concerned you are about him and what's happened to your family, and hope he wants to change. It's sad, but you can't MAKE him want to change, all you can do is give him the information, and incentive, and hope your feelings are important enough for him to consider.


Please bear in mind if he doesn't change - the fault is not with you, and there's only so much you can do to help someone who refuses to be helped. You have to remember to look out for yourself and your sibs at this point - if he doesn't respond to you, concentrate your efforts on keeping the rest of your family close, and hope someday he'll realize what he's losing, and let him bear the responsibiity for that, not you.

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I smoked weed years ago for a long time. All I can say that it is not the weed that is the problem. It does sound like your dad is busy with his new gf and he doesn't want any distractions in his life. I would go and talk to your dad about why he does not want you with him anymore. I really don't think that the pot is the problem it sounds like the new gf in his life.


I hope this helps.



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Thank you hubman01 for agreeing with me on this one, dfcannon maybe you're forgetting exactly what full_on_chick was asking. I believe her subject was "ne one know about marijuana ???". I was just giving her info on it, so before you fly off the handle at someone please carefully read what they posted. You even said "This man has allowed his new girlfriend to take control of his life and the family." Well now does it sound like the weed is the problem or the new girlfriend? We're all here to ask for help and to give help so instead of bashing other people for trying to help ask yourself what good does it do the author of this post when you go off on others.

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so before you fly off the handle at someone please carefully read what they posted. Well now does it sound like the weed is the problem or the new girlfriend? We're all here to ask for help and to give help so instead of bashing other people for trying to help ask yourself what good does it do the author of this post when you go off on others.


So_confused, you needed to be flamed for your post. Yes, I read her subject heading, but if you read further into the text, she shows WHY she cares about the drug. "coz he used to b the best..." and goes on to talk about how the kids were kicked out of the house. This is not a sterile request for public health information...or as you gave it, misinformation. This is about how a girl can get her Dad and her life back. I agree that his girlfriend's entry on the scene precipitated this problem, as I wrote, but his weakness with women and drugs made him choose both over his daughter and sons. That's the real problem here. She does not need to hear from an adult that pot is not big deal. Apparently, people who smoke it often lack judgement and common sense.

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First off i am sorry not to be posting to help this girl out, but to tell you how much nonsense is coming out of your mouth.


First question have you ever smoked it or had anybody around you that is close to tell you the truth about it? If not then shut up. How can you even talk about something when you haven't experienced it? That is the biggest problem with people, if they are scared into thinking things by another individual or group of people, well then it must be bad... Have you done research about it , have you read up that there is not just 2 different high's of Marijuana, but also if it is grown outside in dirt or inside in water the affects to you are different... NO you haven't!!! so just keep you stupid non-educated opinion to yourself. you are just passing the propaganda around in a scare scheme.

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And anyone who would choose a drug lifestyle over keeping a family together has problems - which was the point of the post.


Whether it's harmful in and of itself is besides the point, it's BECOME an issue in this case, which was a good part of what was being pointed out, nobody said it caused brain rot that made him act this way, simply that it was an issue, that and his gf.


I didn't see any propaganda here, except yours.

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First off i am sorry not to be posting to help this girl out, but to tell you how much nonsense is coming out of your mouth.


First question have you ever smoked it or had anybody around you that is close to tell you the truth about it? If not then shut up.


GBUS, it's truly sad to see a young girl cast out of her house by callous adults, and then have other adults do little more than defend her Dad's drug. That says something about where society is today.


Anyway, of course I have smoked marijuana. I can tell you first-hand that the drug you defend is not too impressive...best reserved for a few college-age escapes, at best. Your near-certainty that I haven't tried it was rash and, well, nonsense. (Please note the spelling of the word). I even visited a hash bar in Amsterdam, so I have seen it in a legal context. It's been a long time since I smoked it, though, because I'm more mature and health-conscious now. I hope the girl who posted this question knows that some adults care about her welfare and that many adults agree with her that drug abuse is very harmful and that her father needs to quit.

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