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is this really all that bad?

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so there is this guy who well we're very close.......hes one of my BEST friends...like i can go to him and tell him anything, like something i cant/wont tell nobody else...well i kinda started to get feelings for him...but idk what kind of feels they are for sure, just yet....but see the only problem is is that hes 10 years older than i am...i dont see why that is such a bad thing...cuz ok look at our grandparents like mine there like 18 years apart

is 10 years really that bad...if so how do u determine like age to age that u should date?

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I am a firm believer that once a person reaches adulthood, age should not be a factor in relationships. It is not acceptable for a 16 yr old to date a 26 yr old, but it is perfectly acceptable for a 26 yr old to date a 36 yr old. The part of your post that concerns me the most is the fact that you don't seem positive these are in fact romantic feelings you have toward him. I would strongly encourage you to sort that out beofre you worry about the age thing. Getting involved romantically with a friend can be a big mistake if you realize a week into it that you want to vomit every time you kiss the person because you feel more a fraternal connection. This can hurt the other party if they are sure of romantic leanings and ultimately ruin a great friendship. I'd take your time and if you find it's what you really want, go for it. But I have my doubts that it is and I'll tell you why: If you are attracted or in love with someone, you usually don't wonder if it's really how you feel. If you are going through a tough time and a friend of the opposite sex sees you through it, you can sometimes interpret your feelings of gratitude and platonic closeness for something it isn't. Good luck.

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Age ain't nuthin but a number. Trust me on this. I've dated a guy who was about 9 years older...


It's really their personality that matters. I'm not saying that you should be like an 'Anna Nichole Smith' and date 90 year olds!


If you guys connect, then that's all that matters!

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Jamorales is right with what he sead

I am a firm believer that once a person reaches adulthood, age should not be a factor in relationships. It is not acceptable for a 16 yr old to date a 26 yr old, but it is perfectly acceptable for a 26 yr old to date a 36 yr old.

Hey there is nothing wrong about likeing someone that is older. I have all way fall of the older women. So there is nothing wrong with that. Oh yea one more thing I think that you should go for him.

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