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Is cheating the new trend?


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I think women are definitely reaching and passing the cheating levels of men. American media tells women they are entitled to everything, and that if their man is not fulfilling their every need, it's their prerogative to get their "needs" met elsewhere without working on their existing relationship. There is backlash brewing, as lots of guys are wising up and taking easy sex in lieu of commited relationships, leaving lots of women whining "where are all the good ones?" the answer is that you turned all the good ones into bad ones...


Just look at women's programming on every day television, shows like Desperate Housewives, Sex and the City, soaps, GLORIFY affairs and cheating. Programmers aren't stupid, they air what people want to see, what they fantasize about, and the shows are a reflection of the social mindset.


Cultural and legal norms incentivize female cheating currently, and deincentivize male cheating. Women can cheat with aplomb and still get a great deal in a divorce. Male cheaters get reamed in divorce. I will likely never get married because of these trends. None of the last 20 or so women I've dated have taken any interest at all in me as a person, but rather only as a means to their ends. It's sad and pervasive. To reflect actually, if I ever meet a single woman who is truly interested in me as a human being as opposed to a sperm donor, walking wallet or sexual gratification machine, I actually would marry, but it's so unlikely that I feel safe in saying it won't happen... sorry that sounds bitter, but it's sincere and I was optimistic for years and years, no more.


I have some cheating male friends also, and am writing them out of my life, as after being cheated on a couple of times by different women, any kind of cheating is disgusting, whether it's male or female.

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