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Ok, so I started college about two months ago and from the beginning I was really attracted to one of my TAs. I don't even know what it is about him, because he isn't that good looking or anything. I started going to his office hours all the time, because I genuinely did need help with the material and the fact that I was lusting after him was just added incentive to go. After a couple weeks of doing this I kept coming up with excuses not to be able to make it to his scheduled office hours and suggesting other meeting places. He was always willing to come. Gradually, we started talking less and less about chemistry and more about other things. Then this past week things began to get physical. I like him a LOT, but I feel this is kind of wrong. Even though it is not against school rules (but it is highly discouraged). I don't want to stop, but part of me feels like we should. I don't expect or want him to give me better treatment in class or with grades. What should I do?

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You guys need to wait until he is no longer your TA.


He could get in serious trouble!


It doesn't matter if he doesn't pad your grade, it still looks bad and will make for sticky situations if any one should complain.


Even if its not a written rule, its a rule up held because of professionalism. A professional does not compromise their integrity, they are above reproach, and have no shadow over their work.


I've been on both sides of this fence, its not hard to wait. If its not worth waiting for, then is it really worth the trouble?

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This is a dangerous road that you're on. The whole teacher/TA, student relationship is not really a good thing. It can cause a lot of trouble and can cost careers as well. Do you really want that in your mind, that you're actions cost someone their job or future career?

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CB, I agree with what you said except that it's not hard to wait, lol. I knew deep down that that was what I had to do, but theres a huge difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it. But, the semester is already half over anyway.


musicguy, do you think it would cause him that much trouble if we waited until he was no longer my TA?

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