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should I be scared of ortho Evra?

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I was prescribed it today and of course the gyno didn't warn me about the increased risk of thromboembolic disease (blood clots in the legs/or lungs) I found out by doing researc. But apparently the FDA warns people about the increased risk of getting this as opposed to regular BC because it has more estrogen. I really dislike the way all my gyno's are such pill pushers and never warn me about side effects. Should I switch to something else??

I know everything has side effects but this sounds scary because there are warnings everywhere....

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Maybe you switch gynos? Next time, don't be so trusting ... ask your gyno to go over the prescribing info when he/she prescribes a new BC regimen. Sure, the FDA warning gets the Dr. off the hook on informed consent, but you shouldn't have to do Internet research to understand the risks!!!



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If you have a problem with veins like I do in my legs the risk is huge!

Talk to another doctor.

I switched gynos because of that.

The old one didn't ask me about it, and when I mentioned it she told me I am too young for such problems.

Well after 3 days of taking them my legs were in horrible pain.

I called her - and she told me oh, you got to stop taking them - few days a go a girl of your age I gave pills to ended up in a hospital because of that.

If that didn't happened even today I would tell you it's not a serious problem for your age.

What to say???

So in case you have a problem with veins or in case you are a smoker this could be a problem for you.

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It sounds like from this post and your other post that you are reluctant to shop around for a gynecologist that you believe listens to you and answers your questions. You can call your doctor back and discuss what you found and see what she says. Have you done that?

please don't assume. this is my THIRD gynocologist!

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OK - then it looks like you have to keep looking - three isn't that many. I think you also need to write out your questions in advance in case you feel self conscious or intimidated.


From the tone of your post and your previous posts it sounds like you get a little intense/nervous about this subject and presume in advance that the doctors aren't going to help you. Shifting that attitude also might help. I understand it's new territory for you but knowledge and research will increase your confidence and help you to ask the right questions.

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well no matter what your on there are always going to be "risks" involved


My friend was just telling me about this thing called the Nuva Ring , Its a Bc ring you stick in your ...ya know , Look up link removed


But it doesnt have that many side effects , now i have never used it , never even used BC before , so if I am wrong , dont take it out on me ..haha

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OK - then it looks like you have to keep looking - three isn't that many. I think you also need to write out your questions in advance in case you feel self conscious or intimidated.


From the tone of your post and your previous posts it sounds like you get a little intense/nervous about this subject and presume in advance that the doctors aren't going to help you. Shifting that attitude also might help. I understand it's new territory for you but knowledge and research will increase your confidence and help you to ask the right questions.

I realize I sound bitter but I have been burned by too many doctors. It's sad but I have to always research my own stuff now. I'm still addicted to these horrible effexor pills because my docotor didn't warn me about the withdrawl effects. I did make a list this last time and she does answer my questions, it's just that I don't get that initial information that doctors know that they SHOULD tell patients. So basically I go to them, get drugs and do my own research. And goes for different MD's and gynos I've tried.

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i do worry about your continuing difficulties with doctors and prescription medications.

you seem to visit a lot of doctors hoping for your ideal solution.

i would recommend that you perhaps do a little less research into the medication that you are taking or planning to take.

as i recall from your previous posts, you seem to have problems with most, if not all of the possible side effects that are mentioned for any given medication.

it is only right to be concerned about what we put into our bodies, but coming to an internet forum and asking people to help you pick a medication is not the best way to go about it.

try talking this over with a pharmacist.

it might also be worth mentioning this medication 'paranoia' to your general practitioner. not all doctors can be wrong

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