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Getting to know who your true friends are...

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kind of a quick back story I dated a girl for 2 1/2 years and recently we broke up she told me that she was no longer in love with me. At the time we were living with a really good friend of mine who I pretty much went through high school with and really did consider a good friend. Well I was the one who ended up moving out as my name was not on the lease for the house. Now things are starting to really come in too light that I had just not noticed before... He would buy her gifts just because all the time and would pretty much drop whatever he was doing to meet her needs. Now that her and I have broken up his only advice was that I need to go away for awhile and not contact her at all even to get my stuff back as he would take care of all of it. Now I was pretty devastated over everything so I contacted her a lot after the break up and this seemed to really just annoy him to the point that anytime I would go by the house he was nothing but rude to me. I have talked about this a little bit with my ex-girlfriend and all she seems to do is defend him and his childish attitude about everything. A part of me is kind of fearing the worst and that there is something going on between the two of them. Grrr...... it kind of feels like I am back at square one since the friend that I had been talking to about everything appears to only be trying to get me out of the picture. The more that I am sitting here thinking about all of this the more I am starting to realize that all he really might of wanted was for me to go away.

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I haven't got any friends at all and I like it that way. I've been through this same crap too many times and to me it just isn't worth it.


I've been through it all during high school. Back when I was younger and afraid of girls, my best friend was supposed to talk to this girl I liked for me and instead he moves in on her and starts to date her!


But that was far from my worst experience. In college, one night after drinking pretty heavily, I told this one girl I really liked her, blah blah blah. We talked about it the next day (sober) and I thought she was pretty excited about the whole thing.


Before telling her, for months I'm pouring my heart out to my roommate telling him how much I like this girl, asking him for advice, and everything else.


Next thing you know, the two of them end up together and I have to sleep on the sofa downstairs because they want to be alone!


This was someone I had to live with and once considered a friend.


That just goes to show you what your "friends" can do for you.

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all i can say is wow..thats messed. it seems he might have liked her for some time and has been working on getting her to lose interest in you, hence the flowers..etc. Its bad that this had to happen to you but if this is true you need to move on without him..and your ex g/f.


Its their loss not yours and there really isnt much you can do about picking friends..you really can never know someones intentions until its too late. thats partly why im always paranoid about my friends..i feel like they would betray me at any moment.


You have the right to feel crappy...but dont let them bring you down..maybe its not too late to do something about your ex g/f

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Hmm, I disagree with the lack of friends thing. Perhaps some people are waiting to stab you right in the small of the back but I think that the camaraderie (sp?) of a true friend is something brilliant. There are people out there that will befriend you for years then turn out to be just the opposite to you, but I'm willing to believe that people this devious aren't in a great number. I think it's worth it for one to risk a few betrayals for a decent group of friends. After all, as life gets longer your truest and deepest friends get narrower and closer.

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Hmm, I disagree with the lack of friends thing. Perhaps some people are waiting to stab you right in the small of the back but I think that the camaraderie (sp?) of a true friend is something brilliant. There are people out there that will befriend you for years then turn out to be just the opposite to you, but I'm willing to believe that people this devious aren't in a great number. I think it's worth it for one to risk a few betrayals for a decent group of friends. After all, as life gets longer your truest and deepest friends get narrower and closer.



You're right, Murasaki. Friendship is a good thing, but the key--at least for me--is to never get really close to them. If, after many years, your friend has shown loyalty to you and you just know that friend would do anything for you, then yes, you've found yourself something very good and unique.


But it's getting to that point. I've got friends, I'm just not close with any of them because I just don't trust them.

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velvet... i understand how you feel considering what youve experienced in the past... its just sad that you have come in contact with those types of people...


who do you talk to?... who do you confide in now?... do you have family to talk to?... it just concerns me that your so young and dont trust... i dont know if thats a good thing or bad...


of course, now you have ENA to discuss your thoughts... welcome...


God bless... beebee

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