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Book Reccomendations?


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"The Blonde Theory" by Kristin Harmel was actually recommended on the front page of Enotalone, so i bought it, and loved it. So I then bought her first book "How to Sleep With a Movie Star." Unfortunately her third book is not out in my local Barnes and Nobles yet


But her books are very light, humorous, and girly. A destressor for me. Does anyone have any suggestions about similar good books? Basically anything funny and a light read.


Thanks....I so much prefer it to television

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I remember in the summer of 2004 I read several great fiction books for my English Fiction course.


I remember reading "The Heart of Darkness" and "My Anatonia." I LOVED "My Anatonia." It's the story of a platonic friendship, and how the boy one day goes on to law school while the girl continues a hard life on a farm. It was a fascinating story to me at least.....

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If you're looking for "chick lit" then I'd suggest Meg Cabot. She writes books about people falling in love, but it's all through email or notes, etc. Very light read and usually entertaining. If you're looking for just good books overall though I can give you other suggestions.

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"The Blonde Theory" by Kristin Harmel was actually recommended on the front page of Enotalone, so i bought it, and loved it. So I then bought her first book "How to Sleep With a Movie Star." Unfortunately her third book is not out in my local Barnes and Nobles yet


But her books are very light, humorous, and girly. A destressor for me. Does anyone have any suggestions about similar good books? Basically anything funny and a light read.


Thanks....I so much prefer it to television


Terry Pratchett is a fun author. Not specifically girly though. About 1/5 of his books focus on female main characters, and the rest feature them heavily.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Given all the hype about the Harry Potter books, I was very cynical. In August I started reading the first Harry Potter book and was mesmerized. I am now on the 6th book and have rented the first four movies. The movies are good but the books are so much better. The author has such an amazing imagination and I find myself transported into the world of travelling through fireplaces, interactive pictures etc. These are not just children's books...there are so many adult themes...the author's descriptions of the elves who work as slaves are very reminiscent of slavery in the Southern US back in the 1800's. The description of the death-eaters and their children as well as the whole notion of pure blood wizards/witches vs those who come from non-magical families are reminiscent of the nazi era mentality. The ineffectiveness of the Ministry of Magic and their denial of the re-formation of the evil Lord Voldemort and his followers hearkens back to the world turning a blind eye to Hitler or to other dictators around the world. The author's ability to weave in adult themes within the whole magical world she created is very clever and entertaining. I wll be sad once I finish the seventh book.

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^ hehe i read all seven books as they came out, was at the midnight release party for the seventh one, i'm a nerd. i actually work in a bookstore:silly: {you'd never guess this by looking at me lol}


i love when i hear about adults enjoying the books just as well as children, and understanding the underlying {intentional} similarities to the nazi era. it's more than a childrens book.

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