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Learning to deal with what you cannot control


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Wasn't sure where to post this, thought I would start here.

Does anyone have advice on how to handle a relationship situation that you have no control over?

I recently started dating a guy about a month ago.

Things were going great!

We got into a huge fight and ended things this past weekend b/c his ex kept calling his phone and started drama at the restaurant we were at.

We had a lot of fun together before this and I do believe that I contributed b/c I COMPLETELY over reacted and placed the blame entirely on him.

Needless to say. . . we are still talking (every day) but have decided to take a step back.

He stated that he just got out of a relationship, as did I.

I am ok with this, as it is probably best. But I am still text messaging him and calling him (and he does the same with me).

Just wondering at what point and how do I realize that I do not have control to make him want to be with me, like me, want a relationship with me and leave him alone for good.

Any suggetions?

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The only thing you can control in any relationship is your actions. You can only control whether or not you talk, text, email, etc. with him. Clemintine is right...the only way you can get any control back is to take a step back and cut down on the contact with this guy. Definitely make yourself less available to him.

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