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Do you think she likes me???

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There is a girl at school that I like and I think that she could possibly like me to. Iv'e caught here staring at me over 100 times probly(in classes and in the cafeteria), but Ive only talkled to her a few times,and it was a very casual conversation. And it seems everywhere I go, (like when leaving a class or school, or in the hallway) she is right there and when I see her she is staring at me yet again. Do you think she likes me or do you think she is just being weird.

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She probably does like you. Eye contact speaks volumes- and if she is looking at you that many times- it is evident that you should talk to her and make the 1st move. That is how it is- and I've met many girls who did the same with me, the staring part, and I just overlooked it and never really talked to them more than casual conversations.

I say, just ask basic questions like 'How was your weekend?' or talk about things they like to do. Most importantly... listen. If you listen to what she is saying and are interested about it- then she will probably like you even more. Just relax, and talk to her yourself. Because who knows, this might be the girl you've been destined to meet.

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I thik you know what the answer to your question is...Of course she does! She is sending you subtle hints that she is interested in you and leaving it up to you to break the ice. So have no fear and approach her. Find out what she is like and hang out a few times. Hse's sending you the messages, you gotta act on them. Good luck!

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Hey, I that she does, in all likelyhood like you or have an interest in you. The eye contact is a very powerful tool in getting someone's attention, and she obviously has yours! Make a move, start with small conversation (not to be confused with small talk) and progress to a full blown conversation. Look deeply into her eyes when she is talking and do the same when you are talking to her. I agree with bhat963 that you should listen well, if not, at least look like you are interested.


The best of luck to you!

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Don't be like me. Make a move, and keep her interested. Taking your time and steadily doing it might mean she gets bored of waiting and goes elsewhere. I suggest making a move asap, and like keep it cool, yet not as cool as i play it: In other words, don't seem desperate, yet seem like you like her alot at the same time... Easier said then done. Good luck!

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It's completely natural for a girl to like you and not know how to express it, especially if you've only conversed a few times. Eye contact, I know in my case, is a big step to letting a stranger know you're interested. I would suggest talking to her more to get to know her, and if you like her, return some vibes cause she seems to be sending you some.

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  • 1 year later...

Actions are better than words. Don't be like me. It is a sign that the girl has feelings for you. If you caught the girl staring at you make move right away. Tell her why do you always staring at me and then ask her to go out but not in an abruptive way. You must take the risk. Ask her in private what is the reason why? or any WH questions. Grab the opportunity that is just waiting to smite. In progression you might get her trust and love. Maybe this will help.

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It sounds like this girl is very interested. If you are interested send back the signals. When you see her making eye contact, make eye contact back and smile at her, if you are interested. Then don't be afraid to go up and talk to her. It sounds like she's trying to make herself known to you. Good luck!

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Here's proof that people don't really pay attention to who the posts are coming from. This is from almost two years ago and someone who only posted once. Yet people still posted like it was new. Not saying anythings wrong with the advice, I agree that eye contact is a big sign. But I just find it funny how a two year old post gets treated like its new.

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