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Everything posted by mar-x

  1. We have the same personality. But you are facing a difficult situation. Many of our personalities don't fit to the modern world. But we make our own new world. Many of your friends are different from you that's why they don't know what you are facing. They were just selfish and don't care about the people around. They take advantage of your kindness and other good virtues. I remember true friends share their sadness moments of their lives but share too happy moments with you, which is considered you as a friend. Let your friends know what you experience when your chatting with them and let them realize their faults if they are really your FRIENDS. But be careful of doing such. It might sway away in different goal. You might loose friends. Friends are not easy to find and replace. Maybe you need to get new friends that will understand your thoughts. Make sure that this new friends are like you, having the same personality and lifestyle. And I suggest you should be cool always. -socially adjusted -funny(having sense of humor) -independent -indifferent All of this might help you adjust the world you are right now.
  2. Maybe, the gal is interested with you if the pupil of the eyes are bigger than usual. Thus, not a reliable evidence that the gal like you. But if you see her staring at you 3-5 times within 5 sec. it maybe a possible conclusion.
  3. Actions are better than words. Don't be like me. It is a sign that the girl has feelings for you. If you caught the girl staring at you make move right away. Tell her why do you always staring at me and then ask her to go out but not in an abruptive way. You must take the risk. Ask her in private what is the reason why? or any WH questions. Grab the opportunity that is just waiting to smite. In progression you might get her trust and love. Maybe this will help.
  4. I'm a high school student. Having looks is isn't my fault. Now the problem is that the girl i like most knew that I love her and she knew she loves me too. But based on the actions she made she doesn't show it even having care to me. When I tried to speak to her she immediately turns away from me. What shall I do?
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