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His 21st Bday in Vegas...??

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I made a decison to not drink and my bf doesnt drink all the time, but occasionally hell drink a beer or something, never around me. well his big 21st is in nov. and a bunch of friends are planning to spend the weekend there. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. his sister whos my age might go.. and then we can "hang out while they do they drinking thing" (what he said)...

well then why go?!! i know its his birthday and i want to go, to be with him but i just feel stuck...


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I would go and have a great time doing things that you don't have to be 21 to do; you don't have to be tied at his hip the entire trip. He can go out with his buddies one night; and you can all be together another night..and so on.


Or don't go, and tell him to have a blast and plan a great birthday surprise for when he comes home!


I am guessing you are under 21 then by this post? Are you concerned about him drinking while you are not there?

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If you are under the age of 21 you will not be allowed in the casinos or to drink, but you can go shopping (they have lots of malls and shopping centers) see shows, and enjoy things like the hotel pools and spas, restuarants etc.


Remember that your boyfriend didn't make a decision not to drink, that was your choice for yourself and he should not be expected to follow suit. Only you can decide if him going to Vegas to celebrate his big 21 with a few drinks is a deal breaker for you.


I'm wondering too, if you are worried what might happen if he drinks and you are not around?

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i am worried about what will happen if im not there. i dont know if he'll get totally hammered and do something stupid...


Alright, well, I hate to say this, but you are not responsible for what he does if he makes the choice to get hammered and do something stupid.


You are his girlfriend, not his "controller".


If he wants to be "stupid" he will do so in Vegas, in Alberquerque or in Nunavut. It does not matter.


My boyfriend went to Vegas with his buddies a year or so ago for a few days, to go watch the AMA Motorcross finals....I was jealous in the sense I would of loved to see the finals, but I gave him a big kiss, and told him to have a great time. Whether he drinks or not, I trust him to know his limits and make decisions that respect both of us.


If you don't have trust, you don't have much.


I would not feel right if I felt I had to be around my partner all the time if he was drinking to make sure he did not do something stupid...if I did; that would be a clear sign either I had some major insecurities to work on, or he was not very trustworthy. Neither which make for a healthy, equal, relationship.

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