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Anatomy of an Approach


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Something I read on here once by another gal, was that us guys are a sucker for meeting our eyes, then you smile and look down for a moment, then back up. Some kind of subconscious lure that tends to reel us in. . . . I know it works on me.


I saw a great example of that the other night. It was this cute, outgoing woman who really knew how to be demure and feminine. Guys just flocked to her.

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GOOD FOR YOU! And you chose a really creative, non-threatening, non-skeevy way to approach her. Regardless of whether she was attracted to you or whether she has a boyfriend, I suspect that you probably made her day.


Nicely done.


Thank you.


Yea, she never called, lol.

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hahaha I love this. I always tell to my friends that I swear I'm gonna meet my future husband at the grocery store, but most guys don't go beyond a few glances...it's about time someone was a little genuine and tried to meet someone at a time where everyone wasn't inhebriated (like at a party or bar), that alone can appreciated

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Eye contact. Yes. Eye contact.


Nothing happened afterwards (despite exchanging numbers and all) but I have fond memories of having shared a long look, all eye contact, with a girl riding shotgun in a car as it drove all the way from 10 o clock to 2 o clock or so.


Eye contacts just about the most memorable thing around. I say anyone, guy or girl, who wants to flirt should have the guts for some good eye contact.


I was in Singapore a few weeks ago, staying at a cheap place in an unofficial redlight district. At dinner time the sidewalk was filled with plastic tables and chairs full of nothing but dirty old men and prostitutes. Making eye contact with prostitutes is scary. I feel like I normally break eye contact more often because I don't want to intimidate another person than because I'm intimidated. But those prostitutes can just stare into a guys eyes and see just about nothing. Its quite intimidating. The point is to kind of push the envelope on what is comfortable but not over do it. Its fun. Reminding me of something more recent now... ok ok. I gotta stop mumbling.


Moral of the story?

EYE CONTACT!!!!!!!!!!!

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