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You Don't Want Me


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I thought we'd be perfect

Together forever

But, you found someone else

You don't want me


Why is it her?

Walking with you?

Why can't I be the one?

You don't want me


So many tears for you

So many cries

I feel so rejected

You don't want me


I never felt a love so strong

But you feel it for someone else

I'm broken

You don't want me


The shadows of them

Walking together

Haunt my dreams

You don't want me


Jealousy is the enemy

I must fight it

And learn not to hate her

You don't want me


I thought we could make it

Me and You

But you found her

You don't want me


Lord, please help me

From saying that

they would leave each other

You don't want me


He has her

Forever they will always be

Without me

He doesn't need me

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