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How can she be so confusing?


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I had been on a few dates with this girl and they all went pretty well. So I ask her out to a movie. I got all dressed up and put on some cologne and everything. But she didn't make any particular effort to look good, and seemed uninterested in me the whole time.


I wait a while and decide to see how's she's doing, but she doesn't answer her phone (I try three times on separate days) and she doesn't call me back even when I left her a message asking her to do so.


Well, I think, she's not getting off that easy. You see, we work in the same place on Wednesdays. But the really weird thing is that she is always extremely apathetic towards me when I see her at work or in class or anything. Like, she usually avoids eye contact and seems completely uninterested in talking to me. Anyhow, I wait until she's done with her job for the day and I go and ask her to another movie and to my surprise she accepts.


Well, this time I dress casually, no cologne or anything, thinking that I'd just enjoy myself and have a good time and not make any moves or anything. But she shows up very nicely dressed wearing some sort of perfume, and makes an effort to kind of cuddle up to me during the movie. After the movie I thanked her for coming and she said something like, "No problem. I had a GREAT time!"


It was unexpected; I took it as a sign of renewed interest. Nevertheless, when I saw her at work today she was still the same. Not just uninterested, practically avoiding me completely.


Also, today I noticed that she had logged onto Yahoo! Personals yesterday. Which I guess isn't too big of a deal, but she hadn't logged on in over a month, and it makes me wonder if she's hoping to find somebody else.


So I'm horribly confused by her. She doesn't like to go out on dates very often, so basically I'm planning on waiting until next week and asking her to go watch the local fireworks show with me on the 4th.


But really what I'm wondering from you guys is this: What should I do about her strange behavior? Should I ignore it and just keep asking her out, hoping it will solve itself? Should I question her about it? Should I just tell her it's not working out?


One thing I know about her is that she is extremely independent. She lives alone by choice so that she can get some solitude at the end of the day. But it doesn't really seem like that has anything to do with her being so apathetic towards me in any non-date situation. Whenever we're on a date she's usually the exact opposite--talkative, friendly, interested.

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She could be shy. But then again...with her working with you...she may avoid you like the black plague just because she doesn't want everyone at work to know that you two are dating. "It's not in the company's best interest nor hers". That might be how she's taking it. I have never been a big fan of dating anyone I work with and I have never done so. Nor will I ever do such a thing. Just ask my baker & my plate decorator. My wife is Sara Lee....she's in the freezer.

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