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the popular stuck up crowd...

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I just want to tell everyone this, because this is the HONEST truth and I don't know if its been said before. First of all, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and I am tan. I am basically an AVERAGE girl like everyone else….(I don't have much life experience, and I know when I get older this topic wont matter…but right now it does) I am considered by many to be in a group labeled the "popular stuck up crowd" and that's how it always has been, well let me tell you this, me and my friends are no different from any other groups of friends…everyone seems to think that we have no problems, and that our lives are SO easy and we all have so much fun and don't care about anything. THEIR WRONG. Everyday I go through a lot of sh** , people think that just because I have a lot of guy friends…and I date older guys that I can gte everything I want, and that's not true. And most guys(not all of them) date us because they say we are hott..in other words, we deal with SHALLOW guys all the time. And yes I care how I look, but I care just as much as anyone. And no, I am not saying oh I have a horrible life, I do have a fun life, I am a extremely social person and I am always doing something, but with that always being out having fun , comes a lot of regrets. Not peer pressure regrets or anything, just regrets and I choose not to elaborate on that. I put a smile on everyday even when I am hurting SO MUCH on the inside..and I look at many people and smile and then turn around with a tear rolling down my face. So yes, this "popular stuck up crowd" has pain and drama too, everyday its something new, and every kiss it's a whole new story! You see, I have kissed people KNOWING the whole tim were kissing that I cant have them and that hurts more than anyone understands and when you have guy friends and they hug you, it feels like so much more than friendship but there is nothing you can do about it. And you can call me a hoe just because I have "friends with beifits" but I will know that I am just living my life one day aat a time, and what happens..happens. So yes ladies and gentlemen the famous crowd had problems too and issues that do matter, maybe not to yall..btu too us, and I don't know how the famous crowd is choosen..and I don't know what the difference is betwween us and others but I know this…..I will not let anything or anyone come in the way of me living my life to its fullest, so don't try. I have many wonderful stories of my life…and I think that's all people see, they don't see the PAIN and emotion that comes along with them.


Ps: Because I am a cheerleader does not mean anything! I work my @ss of EVRYDAY to be one, I sweat and cry and get hurt all the time, I put a lot of my life into cheerleading, so NO it is not just some easy thing for a ditz…


~ I am just saying this to let everyone know that the life of the "popular stuck up crowd" isnt always how it looks

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