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My commitment phobic b/f recently dumped me after 2 years of hope for a future. I seem to be far too weepy - it's been 2 months now and every night and every morning.....I cry. Although I now know it is for the best, these feelings come over me like waves. Although friends say "Get over him".it's easier said than done. It's also easier when you are not emtionally involved. Please, don't send back that statement..if I could, I would already.


Can anyone recommend some techniques other than meds to get their lives back on track? I hate this feeling of waiting for something that will never happen.



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Well if your looking for a quick fix it's not going to happen.. You have to let these feelings pass. (You could always drink away, but not recommended. This will only delay the affects.)


What you want to try and do it basically take care of yourself, spend time with friends, laugh a little more than you are use to. (Even if it's forced.)


Believe it or not but if you keep a positive outlook in your mind your emotions will follow. You know the whole "if I think I'm happy, I will be happy". As lame as it sounds, it works. As humans our imagination is one of the most powerful tools we have.


In the end just remember life isn't all-bad and this is just one chapter ending in it.



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