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16 and pregnant AGAIN!!!!


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Charmed - my heart really goes out to you! I really don't know what to suggest? With two children already, I don't know what you plan on doing with your unborn child, do you want to keep it? Is adoption an option?


It really would be a great burden on you to raise 3 children at your age, especially if you don't have any support from the fathers' of these babies.... and that of your family! I'm not surprised your mum is pissed off with you, I guess she thought that with two small children already, you wouldn't find yourself pregnant again so soon! She's worried... and that's normal!


You never said how many weeks pregnant you were, so it's difficult to make any suggestions at this stage, but if you are considering a termination, for the sake of your sanity and not least, your toddlers,.... then I would suggest that you see somebody soon about this (assuming that your pregnancy isn't too far advanced). Having said this, terminating a life can't be an easy decision to make, but it is an option.


What about your family, do they live close by? Would they be willing to support you, should you decide to keep the baby? Where did the father of your toddlers go to? Is he still around? Does he help with the children? Where's the father of your unborn child gone to? Is he aware that you're pregnant? Would he be willing to support his child?


There's so many questions.... and they all need answers,... only by going through it all bit by bit, can you decide what you want to do!


Please, stay positive and focussed, no matter what you choose to do,... it's your choice.... do what's best for yourself!


Thinking about you,


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Santa - It's all very well saying that kinda thing once it's happened, but right now Charmed is obviously very confused and very uncertain about, not only her future, but the future of her two toddlers, plus that of her unborn child!


It takes two people to create life.... and whilst both should take some responsibilty towards preventing pregnancy, I do agree that ultimately, it is more often than not the female who ends up 'holding the baby'! It's a sad fact of life, when pregnancy occurs in the teen years, very rarely do teenage parents stay together in the long term!


I just hope Charmed seeks the help that she really needs and finds somebody to give her sound advice whilst she's in the 'oh my God, what am I gonna do' stage..... somebody that won't pressure her one way, or the other.... and somebody that will accept whatever decision she makes for her own future!





Charmed - right now you must be feeling really upset and confused, I wish I had the answers for you, but unfortunately I haven't! You've been on my mind since I wrote my first reply.... PLEASE let us know how you are! ((((hugs))))


Love, Holly..... x

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  • 1 month later...
I am 16 and pregnat with my thrid child. I was 13 when my first and second were born. Now I'm going to have another my mom is PISSED and the father left me and now I'm living alone in an apartment with two 3 year olds and another on the way. What should I do? Help please.


hi charmed, i kind of know where you're coming from because i am 16 and i have an 8 month old dauther, i got pregnant when i was 15.It's hard having one baby, i couldnt imagine having twins at the age you did. but from the sounds of it you're doing ok. i'm not with my daughters father, he turned out to be a big loser. but i didnt give up hope and i found a great guy that loves em and loves my baby, i now live with him and i'm in homeschooing and now pregnant again with my 2cnd baby.when my mom found out she was very pissed but the further i get the more excited she gets, so i have hope for you.i'm not telling you what to do and dont really know you, but dont get an abortion, if anything put it up for adoption. but if i can make it i have hope for anyone.

good luck,


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  • 3 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello. I am also 16 and I am pregnant with my second child.My 1st child is 13 months(little girl) and I am 6 months pregnant (having a boy)! I can't imagine having Twins at 13!! But I am very happy I am having another baby. The father of both my kids and me are still together we have been together since i was 14 and we have our own apartment and he works to support us while I am a stay at home mom trying to finish school and take care of everything.We planned the 1st pregnancy but this one was kinda a surprise but we are happy none the less.Good Luck CHARMED in taking care of 3 kids.And maybe you may wanna get some kind of birth control if you dont wanna end up with more any time soon.

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I don't mean to be offencive, but why didn't you think about all this before you 'did it'? Once maybe was a mistake, but doing it again? Well good luck anyway, you'll need it.


I actually agree with this statement - and I realize that nothing can be done about it. My suggestion is to have the baby and give it up for adoption if you cannot afford another one. And once you have the baby PLEASE start using some form of birth control.


I'd like to have sympathy in situations like this, but I honestly can't anymore because I've had a few friends in this situation and I'm becoming de-sensitized to stories like this - it's so sad. I'm sorry if my comments offend anyone but I'm only speaking my mind...I agree that once may have been a mistake, but again...there needs to be accountability somewhere - there are options out there to help young mothers.

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