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How to get sex out of my mind ?


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ok, so i dont know if any of you have seen in my other post, but i've recently met this great guy.

& most obviously i want a serious relationship with him, however, the dilema that overwhelmes me is the fact that whenever i think about him its always about us having sex (we havent yet)...


My first instinct when i meet a guy is to develop a relationship with him, but as soon as i get a preview of what our sex life could be, its all i can concentrate on ... Almost as if until i dont get the whole picture i'm always going to crave it & forget that theres more to the picture than sex .

Its almost as if, my desire of a relationship turns into a crude desire for sex, sex & only sex.


Is there a way i could get the sex out of my head & concentrate more on the realtionship itself ?

& not to mention, is that normal ?




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When I first meet a guy and start going out with him and realize that I am REALLY into him and attracted to him sexually, I will masturbate more (use toys and stuff), esp before I meet up with the guy, so that my sex drive is a bit down and the edge has been taken off.


Otherwise, I'm not sure what to do.

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I hate to sound like the old lady here, but you are 15! You shouldnt be all consumed with sex. There is soooo much more to focus on at your age. Sex is good I will admit, but gosh you have so much time just enjoy your youth right now. That way you won't have to worry about STD's, Pregnancy, and the emotional ties that come with sex.

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Well than be different and ENJOY your childhood. There is plenty of time to act all grown up.

I would love for young girls today to actually take a stand and really be independent from what every one else is doing. Please at least consider it

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I hate to say it but there are no other ways. Read, take up a new hobby, volunteer, study harder keeping your brain active on other things will help.


I know I know I sound like a broken record but unless you get amnesia in the next few minutes you and only you can control your thoughts when it comes to sex.

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EH, why are you against masturbation? If she is so hung up on sex, masturbation CAN take the edge off the desire.


I have a very high sex drive, but I dont have any SO in my life right now and I dont plan on going out to find one night stands, so I masturbate when the desire gets too strong.


I never said I was against it. I am all for it. I was giving her other ideas. Please don't put words in my mouth that I havent said! Thank you.

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Well what i mean is that, ive heard that its normal for my my sex drive to be high given that i'm still tecnically growing , but then again, i've also heard, that youths usually lack of sex drives . so anyways, im a lil lost as to which is right ... ?



& pease dont start arguying over this . lol . its only a simple lil post with diferent opinions .

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To me, masturbation is the quickest way to take the edge of a sex drive. There are some days I just wanna do it, but I dont wanna go find a one night stand, so masturbation helps.


On those days, nothing else helps. Otherwise, going for a walk, going out with friends, getting entrenched in a hobby, can help.

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Yup, same here, in my 30's and my sex drive is at its all time high. LOL Much research supports that a woman's sex drive gets very high in their 30s-40s.


I do not think you have to worry about this taking a toll on your sex drive overall. You are still very young. Hormones are raging at your age. Pretty normal. Many times you cannot control how you feel but you can control how you ACT!

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im a guy but i know what u mean and i would also say it might be the kinda u really really want what u cant have. I guess if u get with a guy now and u still think that way maybe thats all u have been able to enjoy so far in ur life. I have felt like that growing up because its like they say sex is the best thing in the world and how it makes u feel but sometimes it can be destructive. I dont know im just saying because sometimes the type of stuff people go thru growing up puts things in more perspective. Its also like how things could be really good they could be really bad and if it keeps going in that cycle thats gonna really mess up ur head to where nothing is the same anymore.


I would say this is normal its just sometimes when ur young its good to have other peoples opinion at different stages in their life to just see things. I like this site because it has alot of mature people online. I guess i used to think the internet was just for sex but all the advice i have got online really saved my life. Its hard being young and not knowing what to expect or how to deal with things and i hope u can use it for any of ur other problems as well.

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But what if im in public with my bf & i really want to have sex, but i cant , cause well, were in public & not to mention we just started going out, would it be so bad if i gave in to my temptations ?


& yes, i do agree this site is great, despite the once in a while person judging your situation on your age . but thats no biggy . & besides that, i'd really like to thank you all for your time . =]

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Yup, same here, in my 30's and my sex drive is at its all time high. LOL Much research supports that a woman's sex drive gets very high in their 30s-40s.


I do not think you have to worry about this taking a toll on your sex drive overall. You are still very young. Hormones are raging at your age. Pretty normal. Many times you cannot control how you feel but you can control how you ACT!


Thank the sweet lord I am not alone ;-)


IC your hormones are all over the place so don't worry you'll use up all your mojo. You have the awesome 30's to look forward to ;-)

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