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About three months ago, my girlfriend of a year and a half had broken things off with me. Two weeks after our break up, she met another man and was intimate with him. Our relationship was a bit rocky, we currently live 4 hours away from each other ever since we first started dating. She was extremely confused with her life, her sister had passed away, and she was dealing with that, and in return the pressure of our long distance relationships, my insecurity with her past relationships drove her to fall out of love with me. One month after the break up, we got back together again. She has told me over and over again how sorry she for what she has done, and that she truly wants us to be together. I love her like no other woman, and I can picture us one day having children. The only problem I have is that I am having a difficult time getting over what she has done. I have mental images of the two of them being intimate and it really kills me at times. She makes no excuses as to why she did, she told me it was selfish and hurtful, and that the relationship between the two of them meant nothing at all.

Does anyone have tips on how to deal with this, and how to move on. Thanks.

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You must learn to forgive if you want to be successful in any relationship. You two were already broken up. She got confused. Then she got straightened out and now regrets what happened. She has asked for your forgiveness. If you love her, then give it to her.


You admit you are insecure with her past relationships. It sounds like that is still a problem. You need to leave the past in the past. She cannot undo anything that happened previously. And no amount of dwelling on it on your part will change anything that happened.


Imagine the situation in reverse. What would you need her to do if she was in your position? If you were truly sorry for what you had done and would give anything to undo it. Should she forgive you? I think you would want and need her to. Can you do less for her?

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