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Living like a normal person

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I've been addicted to computer games for years and years, and I want to quit. So far this summer, I've stopped playing them nearly altogether. I'm trying to lived a normal and balanced life, but I can't seem to do it. It's not that I don't have hobbies. I like to draw, program, write, read, play music (learning the guitar and piano), watch movies, cooking, etc.


But most of the time I just don't feel like doing anything creative, and it feels like everything I do is simply done to pass the day along, so that I can get to the next day and do the same thing.


I started dating a girl at the beginning of the summer (the first girl I've ever dated), and because I found her much more interesting than my mundane life, I think I was smothering her a bit. So I've backed off, and I'm pretty sure it's going to go fine.


But in order for that to work I need to find some balance to my everyday life so that I don't go crazy with boredom each and every day. Don't get me wrong, quitting gaming has had it's benefits. As a result I've been eating more healthy and getting more exercise and caring more about my appearance. But how do normal people live their lives, day to day? What am I doing wrong?


I've got a summer job, but that only takes up part of my time.

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. It's not that I don't have hobbies. I like to draw, program, write, read, play music (learning the guitar and piano), watch movies, cooking, etc.


Sounds like your off to a good start, theres nothing wrong with playing games the odd time, but don't let it take over your life.

Organize your time accordingly, whats more important to your life comes first, such as your job, making money is important, making time for your girl is just as important, then on your spare time, let your hobbies take over, or take up a new hobby, hit the gym, that always takes up time and is great for your life.

Theres no real way to define a normal lifestyle, just do what suites you best, the more spare time you have to better yourself, the better it is for you.

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What do you mean by "normal"? Not everyone is the same. I think you are on the right track, though, but perhaps finding a regular part-time job will get you out of the house more than you are doing now.


I have been undergoing a similar transition. It takes quite a bit of discipline and an open mind/open heart in order to do some of the things that you want to do and feel the way that you want to feel. Kudos for trying to live a healthier, more productive lifestyle.


Sometimes it just takes time, which means patience. Keep trying new things and reworking what you have always done so you don't have to "give up" everything in order to change, but instead, adapt it so that you can still continue doing whatever it is you love to do.


However, comparing yourself to others isn't what I would do. Be who you are. Be yourself. Viewing and talking to others can give you a different perspective, but you should strive to be your own person, because why do you want to be like someone else? Many people appreciate unique qualities and ways of living, so long as it is not irresponsible.


Hope that helps.

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To prevent boredom, you might spend more time "drawing, programming, writing, reading, playing music (learning the guitar and piano), watching movies, cooking, etc." In keeping with your healthier lifestyle, team sports if you are so inclined, individual sports if you're not. Build something, anything ... from a birdhouse to a webpage!!! Start a small business. If your g/f has a more exciting life than you, take some cues from her ... if there is something she does that could become a common interest.


But first, take your xBox or PS3 and put it in the attic ... give the wires for it to your parents to hold onto for you.


Good luck



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What are your goals? Think of some goals and write them down, then write a date that you want to achieve them by and how you are gunna achieve them, then get to work on them. I find working towards goals creates purpose and is exciting at the same time. Sounds like you are on the right tracks now, you are actually consciously thinking how you can improve your life.


I wish you luck

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I've had a similar problem with games. I started going to the gym and going out more and soon I realized that I was playing games less than before. I still play it occasinally but sitting down and playing games for more and an hour will irritate me because I like doing more active things now.

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I advise you to hit the outdoors a bit more to cure your boredom. Buy a new toy like a motorcycle, or ATV (if you can afford it). Go hiking or fishing or rock climbing. Guitars and drawing are good and fine, but they keep you inside all day. I'm a little bit opposite. I work and play in the outdoors all day long, and relax with a little but of Warcraft or Star Wars Jedi Academy.

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