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Increasing Metabolism.. No Diet Needed

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Hi all... I doing well now I guess... from the break-up forum... to attraction.. then now health... I must be doing well with my post break-up emotions now..




I am not fat... I am skinny now, which was mostly the effect of the break-up..LOL...


But my lower abs doesn't really flatten... I don't like it... I am trying to get a 6 pack... but this lower abs of mine just doesn't flatten... even before and long time ago that I tried being a gym brat.. my lower ab never flattens..


Is there something wrong? What do I need to do? Do I still need much more abs work out?


Anyway... the biggest Q for me.... "Is there any way that I can really eat a lot and whatever, but I don't become fat?"


Yes.. Increasing metabolism... or strong digestive system can do this.. that's why there are people who doesn't go fat no matter how much they eat a lot.... But "How can I increase my metabolism and digestion process fast?" Is there a specific way? or a specific food supplements?


I really like eating... but I can easily go fat if I don't control... I hate the torture of smelling or seeing foods you really like to eat... but you have to stop yourself from eating it...

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Well, I think that if you really sport a lot, you can generally eat more without gaining. Or eat the same as before and lose weight. But in the end 'the pounds go through the mouth' as we say in Holland


Why would you want to take supplements so you can eat all you want? Why not stick to eating what you NEED (a healthy diet?) and not making food the focus of the day? I think what you write here is quite representative of what goes on in Western society. Somehow we got used to having all we want on whatever moment we want it. The consequence is that a shocking amount of people have overweight, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc.


Do you see what I mean? It's a bit odd to take pills to be able to eat MORE while you don't need those calories, right? If you want to grow back muscle, go to a gym and get advice there.



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I agree with Arwen...meds have side effects anyway. I'm female and I can only assume this is different for men and women but I've never been able to achieve the "rock hard ab" thing either. No matter how skinny I was, healthy I ate or how much I exercised. Guess my abs just don't work that way!

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Is there something wrong? What do I need to do? Do I still need much more abs work out?


You cant make spot reductions in body fat, if you want a six-pack you'll have to get down to about 10-12% body fat. Abdominal fat on guy is normal - its one the places males as a temporary energy store (that and the knees, for Woman is bum and boobs).


Anyway... the biggest Q for me.... "Is there any way that I can really eat a lot and whatever, but I don't become fat?"


Its as much about what you eat as it is about how much you eat. Body fat levels are determined by a balance between two body hormones, Leptin (monitors fat levels) and Insulin (monitors blood sugar levels). When you eat carbohydrates push your insulin levels up, at a pre-determined point your adipose tissue (fat cells) will start taking sugar out of blood and converting it into fat. Insulin action is moderated by Leptin, that is if your body is short on fat your Adipose cells will start taking sugar at a lower insulin level.


Your insulin levels directly correspond to the type of carbos you ingest, ever heard of glycaemic index? That will tell you how much a specific food will push up your Insulin level.


GI levels go something like this:




White bread

White Rice/Potatoes


Brown bread

Brown rice



If you shift your GI down it will take longer for the carbos to reach your blood which means your muscles will soak up the sugar before your fat cells. That is assuming your are getting enough intense exercise. All this means that you can eat a lot of certain types of food, anything high in fibre or carbo neutral foods, but its all about balance and moderation. If your serious about getting down to the low teens in body fat I'd recommend that you see a diettition.

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Well actually I am working out... and by doing that, trying to lift weights... its making me really hungry most of the time... and I am actually a person who likes to eat aside from the work out which makes you more hungry...But then I can easily get fat thus I have to really control...


Well ok if its not good with food supplements or pills... is there a food or a herbal sort of stuffs that would make your metabolism really work fast and well, so its easy to burn out the unnecessary calories which becomes fat... so I can stay musculine and skinny even if I have to eat a lot...


Coz I have been seeing guys in the gym, big arms and chest but its a combination of fat since they really eat because work out really makes one hungry.. But I don't want it... I just want muscles.. no fat if possible..


I heard, about some sort of reflexology or accupuncture where ther is just some king of push buttons in our bodies which needed to be turned on, thus making our metabolism work well ans fast... I believe in accupuncture... I believe, nerves in our bodies contains tiny push buttons...


But anyway, I have to go to China for this.... so if anyone have an idea..who knows some herbal or food... supplements are just supplements, I don't think there are side effects... any clues?

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Ok... I "kinda" understand that... thanks man...


So... fibre reach foods or carbo neutral food... low sugar or sugar free foods... I have to do my home work on this... scientific research for foods which matches your recommendations...


Correct me if I am wrong.... Sugar increases energy... energy I will need during work out... so if I don't have enough... I can't really work out much and build real muscles... so where or how wil I get this energy that I need for work out?...


Thanks man I am not sure, feed please.. I am an engineer... not in the health and medical fields...hard to digest medical language...


Anymore insights?

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I don't want to discourage you, but depending on where you carry your fat, it might be extremely hard for you to get your abs to show. My boyfriend is an athlete, about 5-6% BF, very strong abs: still can't get very good definition for his lower abs. I guess that's where the 5-6% like to hang out, lol!


I suppose my point is: if that is your goal you may be discouraged ... I would go for trying to lower your BF by a few percentage points first, or setting ab strength targets.


Good luck!

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It's true -- not everyone can have a six-pack, no matter how thin or muscled they are. It's largely up to genetics and where you carry your fat.


But, even if you're not one of the lucky few to obtain a six-pack, strong abdominal muscles are always a plus and still look better!

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I'm not an expert so I can't explain it but this is what I've heard:


Muscles burn more calories than fat. The more muscle you build by lifting weights, etc., the more you increase your metabolism.


Sounds like you are already working out so that's increasing your metabolism already (probably another reason you are always so hungry now). My advice is to keep working out and concentrate on building muscle (especially in your abs if you want a flatter stomach). It is easier psychologically to not limit how much you eat but make better choices in what you eat. It takes time but if you keep working out and eating healthy, you will lose weight and drop your body fat percentage eventually. Good luck!

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I'm not an expert so I can't explain it but this is what I've heard:


Muscles burn more calories than fat. The more muscle you build by lifting weights, etc., the more you increase your metabolism.


Sounds like you are already working out so that's increasing your metabolism already (probably another reason you are always so hungry now). My advice is to keep working out and concentrate on building muscle (especially in your abs if you want a flatter stomach). It is easier psychologically to not limit how much you eat but make better choices in what you eat. It takes time but if you keep working out and eating healthy, you will lose weight and drop your body fat percentage eventually. Good luck!


In fact, fat does not burn at all. The bigger your muscle, the more energy it needs to move. Fat is no more than storage of calories you didn't burn. We all NEED a certain percentage of bodyfat.



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As far as the lower tummy fat is concerned, it pretty much comes with the territory being a woman (as mentioned... so do boobs and a bum), however, there are exercises that can minimize the cute little pooch if you dont like it. I find pilates and swimming work best. Both require you to utilize those muscles while exercising; pulling them in, strengthening and stretching them.


Good luck! But I suggest you start looking at that cute little lower tummy as sexy and womanly

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