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If a gay person likes u(straight and gay ppls please answer)

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I'm doing an article for a gay/les website and I'd really appreciate everyones responds & help.


The question is: How would a straight person (doesnt matter if its male or female) react if a gay person told them that they have developed feelings for them? In other words, they liked him/her. Would they shocked, scared, etc?


Please Help, thank you.

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hmm.. it is an interesting question, it would really depend on the circumstances of how he told you was it when it was just you two. Was it in front of friends? was it at school or at you home? it really depends if he came up in front of me and all my friends I would act very differently than if he told me when there was no one else around. if he told me in front of my friends and i wasnt that way I would probly try to embaras him. if it was just him and me and he told me I would just tell him I wasnt interested and I was sorry hope he finds someone ect.

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u know there was this guy i knew... i didnt know he was gay.. we met in a hobby store and we got to know each other .... i went wit him to get some food a few times ( i dunno whether this was right. but this is normal for friends). then one day, he grabbed my butt man i felt so disgusted.. then i found out from ppl that he's gay . grabbing my butt... imagine a guy doing that to me luckily , i dont see him anymore at that store anymore ... i felt disgusted more than anything ... well he didnt confessed his feelings or anything ... and there's this other guy in school (well,he's kinda sissy) . and he too grabs my butt (MAN! am i that irresistible??? ) several times ... im avoiding that guy . well this isnt an answer to ur question anyway.but good to know isnt it . lol. but i think that if someone from the same sex would say that he likes me , i would feel a little uncomfortable around him.

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In this world of today u can't be to sure of peolpe. Peolpe in general tell alot of lies and if they are straight or not you are not sure. So the first question you ask a person now a days is if you are guy, not there names. age, religion or if they have a car. I personally will not be shocked, nor scared, excited nor sad. I will probably that your feeling and thank you for tell me but i am not interested or i don't feel the same way. They are alot of guy indiviudals out there and soon from now the guy will out run the straights. So careful how you approach people and vice versa. I hope that answers your question.

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Hello! I think I look at this from a different standpoint:


If someone you are not interested in asks you if your interested, or flirts with you, you should just tell them. I don't think I would react much differently to a guy hitting on me... I'd probably just say "whoah! I'm straight as an arrow..."


If a girl flirted with me and I wasn't interested, I'd tell her... the same goes for a guy. Maybe I'm a little bit more comfortable around gay people, because I have a few gay friends, so maybe my reaction would be different than most others.


To sum it up, I wouldn't be any more offended than if a girl I wasn't interested in flirted with me. I'd at least give them credit for trying, ya know? I can imagine it would be tough for a gay person to just walk up to someone and ask them out, considering the reactions most straight people would have... and most of the time, how would they know if you were gay or not? especially these days, it's getting impossible to tell sometimes...


Hope that helps!


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