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  1. I am going out w. my ex and one of her girlfriends tonight. We are on good terms, go out once in a while and are intimate on ocasion. We also talk about getting back together eventually. Sounds good right, well I have trouble w. the no contct rule and find myself calling her a lot, which i sense a loss of interest after a little then I back off. So my question is tonight when the 3 of us go out, how should I go about trying to seem interested in what her friend is saying, to make her a little jealous?
  2. I think the main reason for not being together now is, we both have one more year of college left, I am in philly and she is in northern pa., but we both live in the same town when not in school. I think she is hesitant because she doesnt want to jump in now make another mistake and then not have this work ever. Does this sound logical or like an excuse?
  3. I mean so 100 people can look this over and not one of them have any advice, what friends!!!!!!!
  4. I am a 22 soon to be 23 year old male, who about a year ago split up with my girlfriend of 3 years, she is 21. Before we initially got together, we slept together once and I wanted nothing to do w. her but she was in love w. me. We saw each other around friends and at school once and a while and I would be annoyed and avoid her and she would push her game on me this went on for a few months. Then I finally gave in and started dating her, we were in love had huge plans for the future our families knew each other and predicted us to be together always as did we. I turned into a big push over bought her everything and did anything, we had so much fun together. Then she went to college and we stayed together for another year, and I found out she cheated on me, this is when we split up. We talked occasionaly after this but I was showing no interest, just a bud cause we were so close. About 6 months after this going on we slept together a few times and nothing became of it, it was just sex to me, even though I think she wanted more, she started telling me she loves and wants to be together ONE day. I would blow it off. Then about a month or two after that she came to visit me we went out, and this is the first time we really went out together since the break up, and we had a great time. Now we talk often and both decided we want to be together eventually. I am finding myself calling her very often, and wanting to see her. What do you make of the whole scenario? Is it possible to work? I feel I may now be coming on a little strong cause we both have one more year of college, what can I do to prevent this? I always fall back into love w. her quickly even though I try to be tough or "play hardball" how could I go about, playing a little tougher game?";
  5. I hate to say it but it sounds like you, were a rebound, after your in a relationship for a while you sort of always need someone around. Just a quick guys point of view!
  6. My ex and I dated for 3 years. We had an incredibly good relationship we were very close. We stayed together her first year of college, then I found out she cheated on me this is when we split. I must add before we initially got together I wanted nothing to do with her, she chased me for months. Then I fell head over heels. So after we split I did my best to avoid her and her calls, thoough we did talk occasionally cause I didnt hate her for what she did after a little time. I mean we were so close, so I picked up a call here and there. Then about 6 months or so after the split, we saw each other out one night and she wanted to leave w. me and me being the gentleman I am of course we did, and this happened about 2-3 times and nothing became of it because I wouldnt let it, although I think she wanted more. So things cooled off again and we just talked occasionally. Another 6 months goes by and I was lonely when she called and asked to come visit me so I said sure. Now this is the first time we are getting together to do something since the split and it goes great...dinner, drinks and of course you know where it lead. That night there were a lot of I love you's being thrown around. Now I am kind of into her again and she is into me telling me she knows I am the one she is suppoed to be with "in the end" But I am getting very attached to her again and I am now doing a lot of the calling. We both want to be together eventually I think me just a litte sooner than her, how do I keep myself from calling, and not think about her all the time?
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