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  1. Hi, I totally understand how hard that can be. I'm in a similar situation right now, but my bf is an 1 1/2 flight away, so that too is pretty cost prohibitive. Would it be possible for you to get there on the weekends, say with a car? Or the bus? It might seem like a big hassle to travel that much, but it will ease your loneliness and in the meantime you can look for other jobs, or make other arrangements. My boyfriend and I were basically inseperable too, and it's a big loss to have someone like that leave...I was talking about this with my mum and she said that it's okay to allow yourself a grieving period, because you have lost a big part of your life, after all. Try to fill the space with friends and other things you love. Hope this helps!
  2. Hi there, I don't see any reason why the two of you can't keep up an email or chatting exchange, as long as you're both interested in it. That way, you can continue to learn more and more about each other, and that will give you a better idea about exchanges, visits, etc... Has she continued to keep up a correspondence with you?
  3. Hello, I'm brand new here, but am happy to have found a resource to chat with others about LDRs, since I'm new to one. I just returned from visiting my beau (we've been together a year but separated for school since Xmas), but my visit to see him just wasn't what I'd expected. I had anticipated it soooo much, and I had expected to just fall into his arms and have this wonderfully romantic week. Instead, my tummy tied itself into a knot!! I was, well, nervous and scared. I'm the type of person to work myself into a tizzy, so then about a million thoughts and doubts starting running through my mind...Do I still love him? Am I leading him on? Can we make this work? etc.... After a few days I started to become more comfortable, and things were starting to feel normal, but not when it came to being intimate...I almost felt obligated to put out (not by my boyfriend, of course, who is a terrific guy, but by our circumstances and only having a short time together) and almost just terrified. We chatted about all of this, and he was wonderfully understanding. I'm just wondering about other people's experiences the first time they visited their significant other. Is it possible I just put too much pressure on myself, or do I have a bigger problem to deal with? I guess only time will tell, I'm just looking for perspective. Thanks for listening!
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